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While he stirred his drink, Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wonder; something seemed odd, but he wasn't sure it was worth as much thought as he was giving it.

"As for me — if I were you — I wouldn't consider too much about it. I could see why Jimin would indicate he would be an attractive addition to your team."

With a raised eyebrow and curiosity, Jungkook asked, "So, you met him too?"

"It isn't every day that your brother would agree with your lifestyle choices, Taehyung grinned. "How could I not go see him myself? Originally I thought it was strange, but after seeing him, it made perfect sense why he had considered you after meeting him. I heard he met him on his way out to town on a day drive. He seems like an innocent person, quite the opposite of the kind that you prefer, but since your brother chose him, it makes perfect sense."

A smirk spreads across Jungkook's face. "Innocent in the sense of being a virgin or in manners?"

"I think in everything. He certainly has never been touched before, I sensed his nervousness even in my presence, so I don't want to imagine how he'll react in front of you." Taehyung knew from being around Jungkook since he was younger how he could be.

Jungkook grins, making Taehyung chuckle as he says, "Perhaps on his knees. For some reason, that is their favorite position around me."

"You haven't even been introduced yet, and you are already imagining yourself having sex with him."

A shrug goes through Jungkook's shoulder, "he's here to please me, is he not?" If Jimin had found a man fitting to be in his quarters, there were only two things he would be suited to do for him.

"I had assumed that this was the intention of his arrival and purpose here. Nevertheless, Yoongi and Namjoon are also conducting their due diligence through additional investigations to ensure that there are no other motives in place. The background check that was conducted on him returned clean, and his medical history was also spotless. He comes from a small family, is an only child, and his parents are older, and their background appears reliable. Nothing has been found that we can use to incriminate him or Jimin, and as I have said, he seems very innocent; I doubt he could hurt a fly. You know I am a good judge of character."

Jungkook didn't say anything for a moment as he took a sip of his drink; he knew if there was anyone he could trust, it was Taehyung. "Ok, I will trust you on this, but make sure Yoongi gives you his final word on the matter. Also, inform me what your brother thinks about this, as Jimin cannot be trusted; despite all this, I don't mind having another guy around. Regrettably, Jay is pregnant and out of commission. As Baek is no longer providing me with the services I need, I am open to considering alternatives.

I look forward to receiving a final response from you by tomorrow, as there is no sense having him in my Kingdom if he serves no purpose."


Jimin had told Jin he would be of service to his brother; however, Jin didn't expect to be given what seemed to be an apartment all to himself. Nor was he expecting several staff members at his disposal to assist him with whatever his needs were.

"What do you think?" Jimin lowered himself to Jin's bed, smiling at him.

"It's a lot," Jin replied, looking out of the balcony doors, then his eyes shifted to Jimin while he sipped at the tea Jimin had brought him, "and why am I using such a large space and given so many staff?"

One of the things Jimin recognized about Jin, which he found appealing, was that Jin was innocent but intelligent; he asked all the right questions when he felt comfortable, which Jimin was working on getting him to be more comfortable around him.

"Ok, I think it is time I share another secret; please don't be upset with me; I did not omit this fact because I was trying to deceive you. The thing is, I omitted it because I had to. Truthfully my brother, that you will attend to and live up to his needs and desires is more than a prince."

Jin stared at him, confused, as he finished the last of his tea, "what's going on?"

"Your job here is to serve the needs of our King, my brother Jeon Jungkook."

The cup in Jin's hand fell to the floor as he gasped in shock. However, he didn't have enough time to think or react to what Jimin was telling him before; out of the blue, a ring of a bell echoed throughout the room he was in. "What's that?"

"That must be the King's arrival, word of your presence has probably reached him." He either wants to meet you or give me a mouthful, and it could be both.

Jimin's name was called repeatedly by Jin as he attempted to follow him, but Jin reached a halt when the door opened, and King Jungkook emerged with two guards who followed at his side.

When Jimin glanced at him and mouthed something to him, he made a quick bow. "Hi," he muttered with his voice shaken and his heart racing as he stood before the King. He felt as though he would pass out from nervousness. How could Jimin keep from him that the royal member he was referring to all this time was no other than the King?

"Why are you addressing me in this manner? "Hi?" Are you and I friends?" The King's harsh voice boomed throughout the room.

"Please pardon my brother and me for a second," Jimin told the guards to depart, and he quickly closed the door. He needed to give Jungkook a piece of his mind but wanted to do so respectfully without the guards present. He didn't worry about Jin being there, as he wanted it to be a teachable moment for Jin.

Jin didn't dare to look up. Hearing the voice of the King was enough for him to keep his head low.

Upon hearing Jimin call out to the King, Jin's eyes widen, and he keeps his gaze to the floor. "Can you be anything but a douchebag?" Jimin yells to his brother. "This is not how you greet the person I worked hard to bring here."

"Get out!" Jungkook yells at his brother.

"W-what? You can't kick me out; he is here because I brought him here; if you are talking to him-" Jimin's words are cut off as Jungkook grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to the door; opening it; he pushed him out. "He is not to enter until after I leave."

Despite Jimin's screams, his voice gets drowned out as the door is slammed, and a guard stands before him.

"I am a Prince; open that door right now!"

"He is the King." one of the guards utters, upsetting Jimin further.

He brings out his phone with his feet stomping, dialing his mother's number, and he stormed off in anger.


Jungkook's gaze slides over Jin's frame as he stands in front of him, "look at me." he commands, and Jin obeys without questions, lifting his head and making brief eye contact with Jungkook before his gaze shifts.

"I commanded you to look directly at me when I talk to you."

Swallowing, Jin turned his gaze to look at Jungkook, "I am sorry."

"Who? Sorry, who?"

In an uncertain response, Jin said, "I am sorry, my King." He did not know if it was what the King wanted, but he didn't need him shouting at him continuously.

Jungkook cocked his head, "at least you know I'm your King. Let's get a good look at you, shall we?" rotating his finger, he ordered Jin to do a whole spin.

Not questioning anything, Jin does, as per his request, "stop." Jungkook lets out as Jin's back faces him.

Standing there motionless, Jin wondered what was going through the King's mind. With how his heart was racing, he knew it was only time before he fainted. He was never sure of what to expect when he agreed to go with Jimin, but this was not something he imagined happening, even with uncertainty.

"It's time to strip, and I want you to strip very slowly."

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