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"Mom, I know you always want to stay away from this, but I need you to step up, this one time, for me, please. The situation is getting out of hand, and I fear he will hurt Seokjin, who I care deeply about. Please help me." Jimin stood behind his mother, who had her back turned to him as he pleaded.

The Queen turned towards her son, hearing his plea, "why did you bring him here, Jimin?"

"I'm not sure anymore, mom. I just thought, I-I thought maybe. Now that he is here, I realize how far from the truth my thinking was. He doesn't deserve any of this, he is pregnant, and Jungkook had him-"

"The King, Jimin, your brother is our King, and please remember that."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "mom, I don't give a shit what he is; he acts nothing like a King! How can I even consider him as such? Father was far better of a King than he will ever be." Jimin was irritated with his mother and her words.

The Queen laughed, "son, you met your father at a point in his life when his modesty had already set in. I can tell you that your brother has carried the throne better than your father had in his youth. My thanks to him for making me his Queen, giving you and your brother the privilege you both now enjoy.

In no way was your father a saint, and don't compare him with your brother. The King we have now was tasked with leading our Kingdom much too early, and it is our responsibility to assist him. In order for him to be successful, he needs support more than resistance. Resisting to acknowledge him creates more problems than it creates a harmony that you say you desire."

Jimin sighed, "mom, I respect your thoughts, but I cannot acknowledge him when he takes someone's life without questioning it. He thinks he is above everyone."

"He is above everyone. He is our King. It's not in my hands to change this, and it's not in your hands either. You know this, which is why you shouldn't have brought the young man here. Instead of coming here to blame your brother, you should take responsibility for your actions. Although I am certainly not proud of what your brother is doing, he wouldn't have been given this chance if you hadn't given it to him. Getting that young man out of this mess is your responsibility as Prince of this Kingdom; it is not my job to fix your mistakes. It's not my place to impede what you have going on with your brother."

Jimin stomped his feet and stared at his mother. "This is why he acts like this! You don't ever stop him. Even if dad changed much, he was always the King I knew him to be, who never once made me doubt the safety of my Kingdom. It was clear what the future held, but you and my brother have done nothing except add to the suffering of the people of this country since he died."

Jimin stepped back when the Queen stepped towards him, "how dare you! After creating all this mess, you act like a brat! Instead of blaming others, be a Prince and do your duty to the Kingdom!"

It was not many times Jimin had heard his mother scream at him; it was so sudden, it frightened him, and he swallowed, "I am sorry, you are right, I was wrong."

"Yes, you were and still are."


A smile formed on the King's face as his eyes bored into Jin's, "Seokjin, do you have a death wish?"

Instinctively, Jin swallowed, glancing away from the King, trying to avoid eye contact. He knew he shouldn't have responded in this way, but it was impossible for him not to. He had lost all respect for the King, who showed no empathy or concern for others. His mind was a little blown by the idea that a King such as him existed, and now he was carrying a child for him. That was still beyond his comprehension.

"Are you ignoring me?" Jungkook asked, tightening his grip on Jin's arm.

Shaking his head, Jin whispered, "no, I do not have a death wish."

"No, who?"

"No one."

Gritting his teeth, Jungkook shoves Jin against the door, "I am no one to you? Why are you so disrespectful?!" He shrieked angrily, disbelieving as he stared at Jin. Throughout his Kingdom, he had never experienced such disrespect from anyone.

Jin's eyes welled with tears as they met with the King's, "Throughout my childhood, my parents used to tell me that respect is earned. I didn't understand, but since I met you, I fully understood what they meant. Therefore, for me, it feels wrong to call you My King when you do not act and carry yourself like I imagine a true King. Hopefully, this will not offend you, but this is how I see it."

A hard stare splits the King's face, and he clenches his fist, tightening his grip even more on Jin's arm. "Maybe I should pay a visit to these parents of yours."

Jin's eyes widen, and he shook his head, "p-please, please, that's not necessary, my King-"

On the King's lips appears a victorious smirk, "oh, so now I am your King? What happened to your words earlier." Jungkook leaned his lips to Jin's ear, "Good to see where your weaknesses are."

Having released Jin, he steps back and enjoys the nervous look on Jin's face, which he had experienced the first time he met Jin.

"I apologize for talking wrongly to you, my King; please spare my parents. They have done nothing wrong," Jin said in a trembling voice as his concern for his parents grew.

"Wouldn't they deserve punishment for raising you incorrectly? You have no obedience to your King, and these are teachings you have taken from them. It certainly warrants a punishment."

"I-if you want to punish me, my King, you can because my parents raised me to the best of their abilities and cannot be blamed for my actions. I am the one acting incorrectly, not them."

As Jungkook steps forward, he pinned Jin onto the door, pressing his hand firmly against his shoulder; he said, "I do not need permission from anyone to punish you! Don't tell me what I can do. I am the King, and I can do what I want when I want. I listen to no one!"

Jin swallowed, "I understand, my King, I have been a witness to it, and I am learning a lot of new things."

"What exactly are you learning?" Jungkook demanded, irritated.

"It is the King's voice that matters, not the people's, and the Prince loves to betray others. I have also learned that the Kingdom looks prettiest from the outside, and that's the only view one needs to have."

"The one thing you need to do is shut your mouth." Jungkook jerked Jin against the door as he grabbed his shoulder hard. "Mark my words; I will punish you for every word you have spoken today! Starting with a visit to your parents."

He quickly reached out his hands to clasp the King's, "P-please my King, I am very sorry, I should not have said those words, it was not my intention to hurt you, please, please I will do whatever you want. The truth is, you are right. Instead of punishing my parents, punish me, please; I want to be punished for my actions. Lock me up, throw away the keys, don't feed me, do whatever you want, but don't hurt my parents.

My parents are old and have already suffered a great deal. They shouldn't suffer anymore. Think about your mother, and think about what would happen if someone attempted what you are contemplating for my parents to her."

Jungkook smiled sinisterly and leaned close to Jin, examining the tears that trickled down his cheek as he did so, "at first, I wondered how I would keep you in line, but now I know. Your heart is brave yet foolish. You care about something, and that is one of the worst weaknesses to have."

Jin's eyes were averted from the King's while he swallowed. "Anytime you step out of line again, be aware of the consequences that await you." Jin gasped, feeling the King's hand clasp around his waist, pulling his body to his.

"I am sorry, my King. In the future, I will always consider my words before I speak them."

"If you are sorry, prove it to me, strip out your clothes." The King says, releasing his hold on Jin and stepping back to stare at him.

"B-but I am pregnant-"

"Did I ask?"

"No, my King, you did not," Jin responded, nervously letting out a deep breath and beginning fumbling with his shirt.

Jungkook knew he was going to be irritated by Jin's slow pace seeing him fumble with the hem of his shirt, "I need your hands to move at the same speed as your mouth when you are rude." 

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