Crazy Me ? Crazy Friends ?

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I park my Audi in the parking lot.

Took the elevator to the 12th floor and unlocked my duplex's door and kept all my stuff on the white sofa.

I went straight to my room , removed my stilettos and hoddie.

I sat on the queen sized bed , replayed the whole scene in my head.

It hit me like a bolt later that he had my Ray Bans .

Siddarth Lamba , hadn't returned me my Ray Bans.

Oh ! Forget about your Ray Bans ! You can get a new pair !

My brain scolded me.

How could I be soo flustered , how could I go soo weak in my knees in the presence of a person.

I'd never felt this way before , before,

Stop it Payal !! Shouted my conscience.

Don't head that path !

The past is in the past !

Before I realized , tears began wetting my cheeks , I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror.

" Don't cry. He won't come back. "

I whispered to myself.

" He's gone for good. He's your past."

I wipe the tears from my eyes and go to the hall.

Took the box of doughnuts lying on the sofa and headed to the kitchen.

I heated them in the oven and started gorging on them.

I took my phone from my purse and looked at the messages.

Jai -

Come to my house tomorrow , sharp at 9am.

Jai -

 I just love the hustle going on for my marriage.

Jai - 

Will you ever reply to my messages ?? ???????

Jai -

 People are really changing the look of my house with these light decorations.

Jai - 

Daisy's soo gonna love it.

After all these messages I decided calling him.

" Hell - o Mr. I'm about to sign up for mission let's end our happy lives club." I chimed.

" Hell - o Ms. I'm always soo busy. I can't message or answer your calls . "

"Forget it.  Did you decide the lighting or did she decide? " I ask about the decor he'd mentioned in a message

"Both of us. Tomorrow they are gonna prepare a stage for the engagement in my veranda. Just hoping it'll look awesome as Daisy wants. " he said.

"It'll look amazing ! After all it's gonna be my besties wedding. " I chimed.

" Yeah ! yeah ! You're coming tomorrow right? "he asked.

" Yep." I said popping out the P.

After talks about dresses and the highly anticipated functions I ended the call with a good bye , sweet dreams and take care.

Then I kept my plate in the dishwasher and brushed my teeth and went to sleep.


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