Love Me Like You Do

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"Where are we going ?" I ask Siddarth as he puts the seat belt around me.

" We're going to one of my beach house." He said.

" Oh... and what is the surprise ??" I asked.

"Do you think I'm soo dumb that I'll reveal the surprise ??"  He asked with a grin .

"Not even a small hint ??" I bat my long eyelashes at him

" Nope."

" Pch." My face gets the same look that a small child gets when not given a candy.

"Oh ! I forgot to ask you something !"

" What? "

" Did you buy any engagement gift for those love sick puppies ??"

" Haha ! Nice endearment !"  I laughed.

" Did you ?" he asked again.

" Fudge !"

" I guessed so." he said in an 'Oh I knew it ' tone.

Why the heck am I soo predictable ??

"I bought a gift on your behalf also !" He said .

" Thank God ! Otherwise I'd have to burry myself in the world's deepest dungeon for forgetting it !" I said.

" It's fine. "  he assured me.

" How much does it cost ? I'll send the cheque to your office tomorrow ?" I asked.

" Really?  Payal ?" He said.

" What ?? I deserve some punishment for not remembering it !"  I retorted.

" Fine ! I got a swarowski studded photo frame on your behalf I'll send you the bill and you pay it back ! Ms. I'm soo stubborn !" He said.

" I'm not stubborn.  I'm just independent. " I smiled and said.

" Are we there yet? " I ask before he got a chance to say anything else.

"Yep. Five more minutes !" He said.

And then after sharp five minutes we we were at his beach house !

His security parked the car and we went to his house.

It was really really massive and enchanting !

You could see the sea from his huge wooden floored balcony and the interior of the house was all white and marble -ish.

" It's an amazing house! " I said .

" Thanks." He said.

"So what's the surprise ??" I asked.

He closed my eyes with one of his palm and held plam with his left hand and directed me somewhere.

I could feel the cool sea breeze cutting through my face.

" Are we there yet? " I asked.

" Patience !" He said.

Without kissing the ground beneath my feet I successfully walked down a fleet if stairs with closed eyes.

Sorry poor ground ! You couldn't kiss my sexy ass !

" I heard that !" He said.

" Uggh ! I don't even come to know Siddarth how my thoughts get a voice of their own at times ??"   I confessed.

" I find that Cute." He said.

" Really ??" I asked and then he lifted his plam from my eyes.

Standing in front of me was a huge Jet Black shining Yatch !

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