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Short but a surprise for all of you ! On my seventeenth b'day !!

Hope you find this new twist interesting !


"What do you want to tell me ?" I asked as I took my place on Jai's king sized bed.

" I want you to catch the next flight available out of this country to New York City. " Said Arman.

" Are you freaking crazy ??" I asked out of shock.

" No ! I'm serious !! Your life is in grave danger !! " he said .

Before I could ask him how do you know , Kabir,  my brother,  entered the room.

" What ???" He questioned .

" Yes ! She needs to leave India soon. Someone's trying to kill her. I don't know who that someone is. But I will find them and kill them ." Said a furious Arman.

" But I can't leave!!  Jai's wedding !!don't you remember ? " I asked .

" How do you know this ??" Asked my brother.

" For the time being let's just put it this way that I have many sources. " Said Arman.

" Are you friggin  out of your fucking mind ?? You have Sources ?? Her life's in danger dammit !!" Shouted my brother.

" Shush ! You didn't know what she was going through minutes before ! You don't need to raise your voice at me !" Said Arman .

" What happened? " asked my clueless bro.

" Nothing. Forget he said anything." I said remembering the Faizal incident.

" But... I can't just leave. . India.. " I protested.

" You have to." Said Arman.

" Don't you dare tell anyone about this.." he said again warning my brother.

" Huh !!" My brother scoffed.

" Book the next flight to New York City for her..or get a private jet and send her out. This will buy us some time.." Said Arman.

" I'll try.. " Said my brother.

" You can't try ! You have to ! " Argued Arman.

" Stop it ! You guys !! For christ sake behave as if you give a damn about my life ! Forget your internal differences !! Or else I'll only shoot myself now !!" I said tired of the drama.

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