D for Danger ! ~ Arman's POV

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When I think something's not right , I pretty sure as hell know I'm right. 

And that's when Jai gets a call from Kabir , he puts him on speaker , " I know where Payal is ! You couldn't hide her from me for a long time Arman ! " he said.
"What's that supposed to mean ?" Whispered Daisy.

"I'm going to Seattle today. Actually I'm in the airport right now.  " said Kabir.

He ended the call.

"Why was Kabir soo aggressive towards you ? What have you done ? Are you hiding something ? " asked Jai.

" No ! Why would I hide something ? Why would I lie to you guys ? WHAT would I even possibly lie about ? " asked Arman.

" I don't know ! You're just a big fat liar ! You've always lied about stuff." Said Jai.

" Stop it ! Enough of your fights !" Shouted Daisy.

Again Jai's phone started buzzing.

This time it was Payal's Dad.

Speaker phone activated ,

" Jai , is Kabir with you ? He hasn't been answering my calls since yesterday.  " said Mr. Nanda.

"Yes , sir , he's at my guest house , he's not feeling well and didn't want to arrive home to the paparazzi and the cops. " said Arman.

" Yeah uncle , me Arman and Daisy are just gonna come to your place in an hour.  " said Jai.

" Be careful. " said Mr. Nanda.

"Sure." They all replied and the call ended.

"I was wondering , I'm not pretty convinced with your , the book and Seattle connection theory.  " said Daisy.

" Okay.  I gave Payal an anklet which has a GPS tracker on it , and that's how I confirmed that both of them were in Seattle.  " I said .

" Do you wanna hide something else ? Like a mega secret that's it's you who's tryna kill Payal ! Reveal it now only ! Cause I'm sick of you ! " shouted Jai.

" Kabir's not been answering his calls since yesterday , but he was with me till yesterday night , I was at his new office reading some files. Why would Kabir dissappear all at once ?" I reasoned myself.

That's when I heard gunshots.

"Shit ! " I muttered under my breath .

"Take cover under that table ! " my instincts shouted at Jai and Daisy. 

I ran to the storage and got us bullet proof vests and some ammunition , well it was time for some action.

" Take these !" I threw the vests under the table for them and a gun.

" Please tell me Jai you know how to use it !" I prayed out loud.

"Yep . You can count on me. " he said.

The firing was still going on.

Thank God for my bullet proof windows , or else they would have taken us in hindsight .

" What do we do now ? " asked Daisy.

" We run ! " suggested Jai.

" No , We Kill Them ! " I said.

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