This Kiss.

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"I had gone to Mahabaleshwar for a long drive when I was 22 or something. It was raining heavily, and this guy was coming from the opposite direction on a bike in full speed. Before I could blink my eyes, he crashed into one of the trees in the ghat."

" Shit " I muttered.

" Me and my bodyguard took him to the nearest hospital but I could not save him Payal. He was dead. He'd already lost much blood before we took him to the hospital. And his blood alcohol level was higher than normal. " he was cooking and telling me.

" But why are you blaming yourself ? It wasn't even your fault !" I reasoned.

" Payal the sight was soo disturbing. I could have saved him. But it was too late."

" Hey but you did try your best right ?"I assured him.

He nodded , still cooking pasta.

" So build a bridge over the river and get over it ! I never expected you out of all the hot hunks of this world to be such a softie on the inside !" I said.

He smiled and took the glass from my hand and held it up in the air.

" To our new beginning. " he said.

" To our new beginning. " I repeated and both of us drank wine from our glasses.

" It's really amazing !" He exclaimed.

" See I told you ! It's a limited edition !"

" You wanna help me make the dessert ? Pasta's almost ready ." He said.

" Umm. Fine. How many people will this pasta serve ?" I asked.

" It should serve minimum two to three people. " he said.

" Okay. Here you go , ice cream and Hershey syrup and what else do you want ?" I say as I hand him stuff from the fridge.

"Do you have Chocochips?" He asked.

" Yepp." I handed him the Chocochips.

He scooped out the ice cream from the bucket and put them in two bowls.

Then he made designs on the ice cream using the Hershey's syrup in one bowl.

" Now you try." He handed me the bottle.

I squeezed the bottle and the syrup fell on the ice cream some where more and somewhere less.

It didn't look like his perfect dessert but somewhat I was happy, I hadn't ruined anything , yet.

Then he made some designs by the Chocochips on the ice cream and I just sprinkled them on mine as if I was dusting breadcrumbs from my fingers.

" Done !" He said.

" Thank you soo much ! For preparing all of this." I said.

Shameless me ! I made my guest cook ! And it's not some normal guest ! He's a freaking business tycoon !

Shame on you Payal ! My conscience slapped me left and right !

" Hey. I'll be right back. I'm going to the washroom. I'll plate up the dinner afterwards. " I said.

" Fine. " he said.

I went to the washroom , and messaged my brother.

Come down.
& behave nicely please !

~Payal Nanda, nervous,
CEO Of InSane.

I just flushed the commode so that he doesn't suspect anything and then washed my hands.

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