Happiest Place on Earth ~ Arman's POV & Siddharth 's POV

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As soon as we land in  L.A. I check Payal's position. She's  at Disneyland ! Wow ! talk about living life to its fullest. Okay , I was jealous , because me and Payal were supposed to take that trip when we were eighteen . We had planned it on her thirteenth birthday , we had even ordered Minnie mouse and Mickey mouse caps from Amazon but well , then my dumbass brain got messed us , it was shitting around everywhere, as if my brain and my attitude had DIARRHOEA  ! 

When I told Daisy and Jai we had Payal's location they seemed pretty relieved , and on our way to the hotel room , I tried pulling some strings from my contacts to get three tickets to Disneyland , but it didn't work out. Apparently Jai asked me to stop sabotaging a small child's dream and my contacts were starting to doubt my sanity . 

So our plan was simple and easy , wait at Disneyland exit , catch hold of Payal and Siddharth and ship them to India with us.

And that's when we got a  text on Jai's phone, 


Tell us Payal's location or you'll find Daisy's dead body in your house.  

" There's an attachment with this " said Jai , after reading the text out loud.

When he clicked on the attachment , there was a lady who's body looked just like Daisy , and it was freaking creepy , but her head was covered with a black polythene bag and this woman was struggling for her breath.

"  Well, we sure as hell have Daisy with us , so were not gonna give anyone the location." Said Arman. 

" Whoever this is , that person is completely sick. He , She , It , I don't  know needs some serious  medical attention ! " said Daisy.

" Yep , you're right ! Absolutely freaking right !" said Arman .

Payal and Siddharth were still at Disneyland and it was one in the afternoon , Arman , Jai and Daisy had freshened up and left for Disneyland and on their way they made a few calls to India and told Payal , Jai , Siddharth and Daisy's parents to stay together under protection from police and personal guards . Anyone other than them were not to stay in the house not even the help , only them and the guards. 

I sent Daisy to sit on the side bench near the walking exit of the tourists  , and as a disguise mechanism , she had worn a grey hoodie , black aviators and snickers , just incase she had to run , while , Jai was sitting in the car , on standby mode near the parking exit , and I was walking around the entrance and the entire perimeter.

All of us had bluetooth devices for communication to remain connected to each other , and tracking devices on each of us , which gave the location to the other two , as a part of risk management.

This time I was more than a Hundred Percent prepared to protect Payal. No one could fool me this time.

Waiting , waiting , hours and hours of waiting , the noon sky started turning into a lilac sky , Payal and Siddharth were still hadn't left Disneyland .

" I shouldn't say this but I really wanna go barging in and bring those dumbasses back . Seriously , I bet this is Siddharth's idea . I'm gonna kill him once I find them ." Said Daisy .

" Chill , they'll soon be out , it's getting dark . I know he's trying to keep her safe , that's why he came with her here , no ones gonna try to find them here ,and even if they it's pretty difficult with too many people around , he's smarter than I thought . " Said Arman .

"Complementing your own competitor ? That's the most gracious thing you've ever done , yeah apart from killing people , bad people . " Said Jai .

Daisy laughed on the other line .


Siddharth's POV 

The sky started changing its colour , as we walked passed the Little Mermaid theme , there were lots of kids and teenagers around , I put  arm around Payal's shoulder and pulled her closer towards myself , and asked  " Do you wanna watch the fireworks and stay till the end or leave right now ? "  

" I think we'll watch the fireworks next time , when there's a wedding band around our fingers , Siddharth , " she paused. 

and she got on one knee and said , " Siddharth , you've changed my life completely , and I'm in love with this change , and I know someone's about to kill me , but I don't feel my time here on earth is done , I've still got a lifetime to spend with you , now , if you'd give me one simple answer it'd change my life forever , Will you Siddharth , promise me to spend the rest of your life with me ? Will you marry me ?"  she completed .

I was surprised and shocked , a few people were looking at us , she was still on one knee ,

" Yes !!!!  yes yes yes ! " Siddharth  said and she got up to kiss me .

" Was this the magic of Disneyland or mine ? " Siddharth asked .

" Well it was both , now stop talking and kiss me already ."  she said .

They simply don't call Disneyland the Happiest place on earth  for no reason .

" If that is it , lets go home , cause I've started writing our vows in my head already . " Said Siddharth.

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