Zeus isn't Zeus. ~ Sid's pov

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Hello guys and gals !
I tried Siddarth's POV for the first time.  Hope you like it ? . Please let me know.  It's a bit hard to write a guy's pov for me I don't know why.
So I just hope it matches with the earlier standard.

Anyways !! Here's some good news !

I successfully survived 11th grade and I'm determined to rock 12th grade.

Yeah I'll do that for sure ! Cuz I have an excellent offer by my parents , ie, a new car and a new phone and a new laptop !!  yaay !!

Okay enough of my excitement !

June ♥ ♡ ♥

Stay strong,  beautiful and be who you want to be and
Do what you want to do.

End of A/N.


I can hear her soft breathing as I drive into the city.

A part of me has this immense urge to kiss her this very moment,  feel her, dammit, why is she soo enchanting? ?

But I still suppress my feelings for her, she needs time , things are falling back right into its  place for her now and I wanna help her realize that she's way more full of potential than she thinks.

After a drive of half an hour, I pull over the car in front of Mumbai's best ice cream parlor.

Her eyelids flutter like that of the wings of a newly formed butterfly.

" Are we there yet? " she asked.

" Yep. Darling. " I said.

She blushes and then gently tucks her hair behind her ear.

I get out and open the door for her.

We walk into the parlor hand in hand.

" What would you like to have? " I asked.

" Surprise Me? " she said.

" Okay."

I go to the counter and get both of us butterscotch ice cream with nuttela toppings.

As I bring it towards the table,  she looks at me with her gleamy eyes.

" Butterscotch with nuttela toppings just for you. " I announced to her.

" I love butterscotch!  It's like my second favorite !" She said with excitement.

Dammit!  Why couldn't I get her first favorite ??

"Okay.  What's your first favorite? ?" I asked .

" Guess it. " she said playfully.

" Umm.. Death by chocolate ice cream? ?" I guess,  hoping for the best.

She sprang up from the chair and hugged me.

" You're right !!! Are you like a psychic or something ??" She asked.

" Yep." I said popping out the P.

We started eating our ice cream.

" Ummm. " she groaned.

Gosh! she sounded sexy while eating. Heck!  The way she pouted,  whenever she loved something was soo disturbingly sexy.

After having ice cream,  we went to dance practice.

Holding her close to me was soo difficult, yet soo exciting.

She moved flawlessly,  every time I twirled her, the silky strands of her hair that touched my face made me go crazy.

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