Water Water everywhere but not a drop to drink

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Shit ! There's water till my thighs !

The bed's wet due to water that was slowly filling the room.

" Crap " I said and woke up Siddarth.

" How did this happen ??" He questioned himself as he pulled on his boxers .

Then he rushed to the door and tried opening it but it did not open.

It was jammed , I guess.

My heart was racing too fast.

I didn't want to die this early and then I remembered my Titanic dialog from yesterday's night and regretted having said it.

Siddarth searched for his phone and tried a few numers .

The water was filling the room too fast now.

" Siddarth . " I whispered.

" Everything's fine. Take deep breaths" he said.

I went near the door and figeted with the lock.

It didn't open the door.

" Siddarth did you reach anyone ?? What about the captain ??" I ask out of worry.

"No Payal , I'm not getting a signal. " he said.

Then he came near the door again and tried pulling it and pushing it with all his strength , I helped him too but all our efforts went in vain.

" I really have a bad feeling about this " I said.

"Help me shift this bed. " he said all of a sudden.

I didn't need to be told twice.

We started pushing the heavy bed with all our might .

I was just wishing Mr. Thor or Captain America to be here , they'd have eased our job.

The water filled till our chest as we successfully pushed the huge heavy bed aside.

Then Siddarth bent down and started unlocking some door which was under it.

And he was successful.

We went down in the room whose door he'd just unlocked.

Then he closed it again so that the water doesn't enter.

" This is the engine room." He said.

I nodded.

" Someone's turned off the engine." He said.

" What do we do now??" I asked .

" Where the heck is the captain and other two crew members ??" He shouted running his hand through his hair.

He turned towards me and wrapped hus fingers around my cheeks and said , "I'll get us outta here."

Panic and fear had taken over me , I was in no state to say or do anything.

Even the engine room was filling with water .

Siddarth moved frantically in the room and found life jackets for us , he strapped one around me and then around himself.

He found the exit out of the engine room but the door was locked , and I guess filled with water on the other side.

"Payal hold your breath for a long time cause I'm gonna open this door and there's gonna be a lot of water coming from the otger side. And make sure you hold on to something.  The pressure is gonna be immense. "

He kissed my lips and went below to open the door , the room was now filled with water till at least half feet of the ceiling.

One , two , three , four , five , six , seven , eight , my heart was racing like a sports car.

I heard a click , so I took a deep breath thinking I won't be able to breathe again and shut my eyes too tight.

Gripping the rod next to like it would save me from drowning , the water rushed through the door , the pressure hurt my body soo much that I couldn't feel my arms.

Then suddenly I felt a grip around my back , it was Siddarth , who signaled me to swim out of the door against the now slow flowing water.

He followed me.

As we were out , I could feel the bright sunlight , which almost made me blind.

I lifted my neck up and breathed , Siddarth did too.

We were out of his ride, at last ,which now sunk deep in the sea.

" We're in the middle of nowhere !" He shouted.

" Does anyone know we're here ?? Did you tell anyone where you were heading ? Yesterday ?" I asked.

" Yes , I told my bodyguard ." He said.

" Do you think he might come to save us ??" I asked.

" No idea ." He said with disappointment on his face.

" Okay.  Listen , can you swim for a while if you're not tired ??"  I asked.

" Yes , Payal , but where will we head ?? We don't have directions !! " he reminded me.

The Nerd part of me took over me , " Listen , the sun rises in the east and sets in the west , 1st grade EVS , so  the sun is on our left that is east , and we need to head to the west to reach Mumbai , so we'll swim to the right." I said.

He squeezed my hand and said , "Love you , Nerdy Birdy !"

We began swimming , slowly , we had our life jackets on , so we could stop when we wanted to.

And hopefully , the waves were in our favor , the sea was silent.

We stopped for a while , "I'm thirsty !" I complained.

" There's water everywhere !" Laughed Siddarth.

I narrowed my eye and gave him a death glare , he smiled at me.

" If I could do something about it , I would have already done baby " he said.

That's when a chopper ascended near us .

" Hey !!! We're here !!!" I screamed.

" They know you're here !! It's ascending downwards !!" Shouted Siddarth as it was difficult to hear due to the sound of the chopper.


Deepika Padukone as Payal Nanda

Siddarth Malhotra as Siddarth Lamba

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