Suspense -2

27 4 1

"Sorry." Said both of them at once.

" For the time being , forget about the marriage and make some calls and book the ticket." Said Arman.

My brother nodded.

Suddenly my phone started ringing.

It was Siddarth.

" Wait! ! What am I supposed to say to Siddarth ?" I asked.

" Nothing.  " Said Arman.

" What?  You're asking me not to tell him our plan ??" I clarified.

" Yes. You heard me right. " Said Arman.

" Arman's right , Payal , we can't trust him enough. " Said Kabir.

" Are you guys Fucking insane ?? He saved my life last night ! He put himself in danger and saved me ! and you ! Arman ! Are saying I friggin can't trust him ? " I shouted.

My brother tried to calm me down.

" It's you whom I don't trust anymore ! Who knows you're doing all of this and just because we don't start doubting you , you're offering us help ?? Huh ? How does that sound ? Perfect ? Wait ! It's pitch perfect !" I shouted , and then dashed out of the room.

Behind me I heard the sound of the door go Thud! 

I walked up furiously to Siddarth , ignoring every hey! And good evenings by any of the guests.

And cheers to my bad luck the engagement ceremony was over.

"Siddarth I need you to come with me some place alone." I said.

" Wait . What happened ? Is everything alright ? " he asked.

" Actually, umm.. No.." I said.

" Wait.. here... don't go anywhere. . Or forget it... come with me.. first we'll get something to drink..and then we'll go to a quiet place. . Because I know. . You haven't had anything since we've arrived. " he said.

Aww.. he cares soo much about me !!

This literally melts my heart !

We get two cocktails and gead to Jai's room.

I lock the door so no one can enter.

And then I explain him the situation ,  my life's in danger.

" I need to go to New York tomorrow" I said.

" I'll come with you." He said.

" No.. I have to go alone. " I reasoned.

He has an entire company waiting on him ! How the heck can I put his life in danger ??

" But how does Arman know stuff like this ??" He asked me.

" He said he had sources. "

" He's just a chef ! And that too a patisserie !" Said Siddarth.

" Right.... even I'm getting worked up about the same thing. " I said.

He started typing something in his phone.

And he had really serious expressions on his face.

After about fifteen minutes , he uttered a word.

"Impossible. " Said Siddarth.

" What ??" I asked.

" Every single file about Arman , in the government or anywhere is classified.  My company hacker can't access a single file about him " Said Siddarth.

" Wait. . Does that mean something's off about him ?? Like he's hiding something?" I asked.

Siddarth nodded.

What kinda Fucking insane shitty situation I am in ??

Arman says don't trust Sid and Siddarth is hinting something is off about Arman.

What am I supposed to do ????

And what the heck is he hiding from me ?? ??

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