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"Why the heck is everyone punching me ??" Asked Arman.

" Good question ! 'Cause apparently , you're the douchebag of the Decade !  Oh wait ! You're douchebag forever !" Said my brother , Kabir.

" Listen , bhayya (brother) , we've talked out things so if you don't mind , stop beating the shit out of him. And well I guess,  Jai's already done that." I said lunging myself between Arman and my brother.

" Really Payal ? You're defending him now ?" Asked my brother.

" No , he's getting his punishment ." I said.

" Yes,  and it hurts more than your punch." Said Arman.

" Okay ! Will you guys hug eachother and burry all the hatred ?" I asked

"Sure! " Said Arman as he hugged my brother.

" I've got my eyes on you douchebag !" Muttered my brother.

" So ? What made you come here?" I asked.

" Umm. I needed to talk about something to you. Alone." Said my brother.

" Okay.  I'll leave,  anyways I've got lots of preparation to do for the wedding cake and desserts. " Said Arman.

" Yeah.  Fine." I said.

He left and then me and my brother went to our study.

"What happened ?" I asked.

"Payal,  I need you to tell me where you're going , when you're going and at what time the next time you step out of this house." Said Kabir.

" Why what happened? ?" I asked.

" I don't know who's behind all this , but someone tried to set fire to all the important information at office yesterday. "

" Who would do that ?"

"I don't know.  We're trying to find out. Thankfully the fire was avoided.  But someone's plotting against us." He said.

" But why would someone do that ??"

" Businesses rivalry or maybe someone from your industry ?" He said.

" This doesn't sound right to me. " I said.

" Mee too." Agreed my brother.

" I'll take all of your cars and get some trackers fixed on them. Mom and dad's cars and their phones have already been through that process. " he said.

" Fine." I said.

This is really something scary !! Why would they want to harm our family ?? What have we done to them ??

After a few talks about security and stuff my brother left.

I was all alone in my duplex.

So I ran myself a hot bath and when I came out and saw my phone I had three messages.

All three from Siddarth.

Will you go out on a dinner with me ??

~ Siddarth Lamba, CEO Of The Majestic Enterprises Inc.

I have a surprise prepared for you.

~Siddarth Lamba,  Excited,  CEO Of The Majestic Enterprises Inc.

Be ready by 6:00pm. Wear something white !

~ Siddarth Lamba,  Boyfriend of Bollywood's Princess !  And CEO of The Majestic Enterprises Inc.

It was 5:45 pm. Shit I had fifteen minutes !!

I walked into my wardrobe , put on a white one piece, the kind with V cut in the front and embroidery on its sleeve,  and it covered half of my thighs , my hair was still wet so I let it as it was , I applied a little mascara and eyeshadow and Red Lipstick.

Titanium white wedges accompanied my white one piece.

6:00 pm and my front door bell rang.

Siddarth was standing in front of me in black trousers and white tee shirt.

With a bouquet of red Roses in his hand.

" You look dayum amazing !!" He said and kissed me on my lips.

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