Stay With Me ! Forever and Always baby

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I wake up on my bed. Again trying to familiarize with the reality and remember yesterday's events , I walk to the hall and see Siddarth lying on my sofa .

He looks soo enchanting , soo innocent.

Then I remember that I just fell asleep on his chest last night.

I make lemon tea for both of us and run myself a hot shower and come out wearing my bathrobe, and hear my front door click.

I race out to see if he's gone and yes he was gone.

So I quickly grab my phone and ring him but his phone is on the sofa .

I go to my dressing room and put on white leggings and a red tunic and race down with his phone.

He was standing near the lift .

" Hey ! You forgot your phone. " I said.

" No , I went down to get this" he signaled the gift wrapped box in his hand.

" Oh.. I made lemon tea for you. The only thing I can probably make properly. You wanna try it ?" I asked.

" Yes . But this , it's for you." He said handing me the gift wrapped box.

"Thank you soo much. " I said accepting it.

We went back to my duplex and I served him the tea.

" It's amazing. " he said as he sipped it.

" Thanks " I said.

" Hey . Will you unwrap the gift ?" He asked.

I took the box and unwrapped it carefully without tearing the red paper wrapper.

It revealed a box , a brownish magenta box with Tanishq inscribed in gold letters on it.

" Oh my gosh !" I exclaimed.

" You haven't even opened it Payal !"

I opened the small lock and it revealed the same necklace he'd shown me the other day !

" Oh my gosh ! I can't believe it !"

"Do you like it ?"

"Like it ? I love it !! But .."

" What but ? "

" I can't accept it. It must be way too costly "

" Get over it. The cost I mean. I'm rich enough to gift such things so , better get used to it.  " he smiled and said politely.

" But Sid , I didn't get anything. ANYTHING for you. "

" It's fine. You're presence in my life is a huge and wonderful gift for me which can't match world's any other materialistic gift." He smiled.

" Aww. I swear , I'll get you something today. " I said.

" Okay. Breakfast at my house. I know you don't have a chef. " he said.

" Yep. And I'm not a good one." I agreed.

"Come let's dry your wet hair first and then go." He said.

I hadn't realized my hair was wet.

" No, its fine I'll do it myself. " I said.

" Gimme the towel." He said.

I gave him the towel and sat on the ground between the gap of his legs , he was on the sofa.

He started towel drying my hair.

" Thanks. " I said.

" What are friends for ?" He asked.

Everything starts to blur out.

I try to pull myself back to the reality but I can't , scenes of my past flash before my eyes.

What are you doing here? It's raining soo badly ! Why did you come ?

Asked the same old voice that killed me every time I heard it but kept me alive at the same time.

It's your birthday ! How could I miss it ?? I remember asking him.

How stupid was he ? He thought just because of the pouring rain I'd miss his birthday ?? Never.

Come in . You're soo gonna catch cold. He ushered me in.

Here's your gift. I hand him the zip lock bag.

We entered his room .

Thank you soo much. He said and got a towel and handed me his red tee and boxers.

Get changed. I'll get you some coffee and cookies. He said and I went and changed my clothes.

We were sitting on his bed . I could feel his warmth just by wearing his clothes and these were one of my favorites of his.

He came and gave me the coffee mug and cookies and said Mom and dad, are out of town. I'm home alone .

What home alone on your birthday ??? I asked.

He nodded.

Then he opened his gift which revealed a copy of If I Stay.

He started reading it to me and then stopped all of a sudden and looked at me , we were sitting very close to each other.

My head was on his shoulder but now we were face to face.

Stay with me. He said.

My vision blurred out again and I was back to reality.

"Stay with mee !!!" I screamed.

" Shit Payal !! What happened ?" Siddarth jumped from the sofa and sat besides me on the floor.

Tears stained my cheeks.

He wiped them.

" Payal ! I'm going no where. See I'm here. Don't cry." He said.

" I'm sorry. I put you through one of my breakdowns. " I cry.

" Are you alright ??" He asked wiping the tears from my cheeks.

I nod.

" Sure ?" He asked.

I simply nod.

He hugs me .

And I can feel his warmth.

" I'm sorry. I'm really very sorry. " I said.

" Don't be. Psychological pain hurts more than physical pain Payal. The least you should feel right now is sorry.. "

I sobbed silently.

His moist lips touched my forehead.

" I'm with you. I'll stay with you. Forever and Always. " he said

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