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Fred woke up first he felt a bit of snot falling down, so he wiped it with his hand. He realized that he's sick. He went to the kitchen to make some tea. Mia and George stayed in bed.

"How did you sleep?" Molly asked.
"I slept alright." he said but with almost no voice.
"Oh! Are you feeling alright?" she asked.
"I told you!" Percy chuckled.
"I'm fine!" he nodded.
"Where's Mia? She didn't sleep in my room last night." Bill came down.
"She slept with us. We were so cold when we came in, we just got in George's bed and cuddled." Fred explained.
"Oh, okay!" he nodded.
"I feel terrible!" Mia came out of the room.
"All three of are sick." Fred smiled.
"I know. I can barely breathe." she rolled her eyes.
"For how long did you stay outside?" Molly asked.
"Maybe saw the sunrise, maybe not." Mia shrugged.
"You stayed out all night?" she was disappointed.
"We were having too much fun, we didn't realize for how long we were out." Mia explained.
"You want some tea?" Fred asked.
"Yes!" she coughed.
"Moooorning!" George came out.
"Y- You're perfectly fine?" Bill asked.
"Yes, why?" he looked at him.
"Good for you, mate!" Fred nodded.
"You two are sick?" he grinned.
"Shut up!" Mia looked away.

George sat down while laughing.

"Don't laugh. No kisses and hugs for you." Fred smiled.
"Why?" he asked.
"I'm not going to make you sick." Mia shook her head.
"One kiss won't make me sick." he smiled.
"It will." Fred nodded.
"Fine! I can live for a few days with no kisses, hugs and cuddles." George nodded.
"Cool! Since you're fine, you will go talk with the others today. We can't go out." Mia sniffed.
"Okay, I'll go." he nodded.
"Great! Get ready. You have 30 minutes to change and go to the park." Fred looked at him.
"It's already 11:30am? Why is Bill home then?" George looked at him.
"I have 2 days off." Bill shrugged.
"I'll go change then, I guess!" George ran to his room.

After 10 minutes, he came back out.

"I'm going then!" he gave Mia a kiss on the cheek and ran to the fireplace, "DIAGON ALLAY!!!" he teleported.
"Will he lie about something?" Fred looked at Mia.
"Most definitely!" she nodded.

They made some tea and went back to their room. Fred grabbed a roll of toilet paper and set it on his night stand. Fred sat down in the corner and Mia in between his legs. They had two blankets over them. Both of them just sat there, drink tea and sniffing.

"Don't you think we should sleep separately?" he asked.
"What? Why?" Mia asked.
"I didn't mean it like that. I mean...what if that were both sick and will cuddle, we won't get better?" he sneezed.
"I don't care." she sniffed.
"Okay. At least I'll get more cuddles and kisses than George." he tried to chuckle but couldn't.
"You wish..." Mia drank her tea.
"Oi!" he poked her.

They finished their tea. They were still talking until they got sleepy and fell asleep. A couple of hours later, George was back.

"AAAAACAHOOOOO!!" he screamed to wake them up.
"You're back?" Mia jumped.
"Yeah!" he nodded.
"What did they say?" Fred asked.
"They're happy for us. Especially Mione and Ray." he smiled.
"Good!" Mia closed her eyes again.
"Okay, go back to sleep. I'll go to the kitchen." he waved and walked out.

Mia and Fred fell asleep again.

"How are they?" Molly asked.
"As sick as they can be. Mia could barely wake up and Fred didn't even open his eyes. They went back to sleep." he answered.
"What about you? Feeling alright?" Ginny looked up from her cup of tea.
"Yeah, I'm alright!" he nodded.
"You won't be able to sleep in one bed with her and won't get any hugs and kisses. Will you survive?" Bill smirked.
"No...the last kiss I got was yesterday at the dinner table." he dropped his head on the table.
"At least you get kisses." Bill looked at Draco.
"Guys, stop! It's uncomfortable." Harry hid his face on Draco's shoulder.
"For how long are you going to be single, Bill?" Percy asked.
"I'm not single." he smiled.
"What? You got a girlfriend?" Molly smiled.
"No..." he shook his head.
", you didn't!" George stood up.
"She came back." Bill sighed.
"Oh, come on, Bill! You know how dumb you are?" George rolled his eyes and went to his room, "Mia!" he whispered.
"..." she didn't respond.
"Mia!" he said louder and shook her.
"What?" she opened her eyes.
"Guess what Bill did." he squat down by the bed.
"What?" she asked.
"He got back together with Fleur." he sighed.
"What?" Mia sat up.
"He just said that she came back to him." George nodded.
"Idiot!" she stood up.

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