ToDAay iS OUr bIRthDaY

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A/n: Am I making changes in the middle of the book? Yes. Yes, I am. From now on Fred's thoughts are this *...* and George's stay the same as {...}, Loki's are ×...×, Bill's are +...+. I changed the things because they cominicate through thoughts the most.

About a week has passed. Regulus is still at Sirius' house. Mia is going to school by Regulus, Sirius and Remus forcing her to. She is used to Harry always throwing notes to her and talking to her between the classes. Ever since the truth has come out Harry has been ignoring Mia and doesn't want to talk with her. Draco tries to talk to him to make him feel better but it doesn't help. Yesterday a new student transferred to Hogwarts. Her name is Emily. She's in 6th year and a Hufflepuff.

It's April 1st. Today is Fred's and George's birthday. Mia isn't in a mood for anything but she decided to raise her head up and try to be happy. An idea popped into her head.

"How are you feeling?" Amy pouted while both of them were walking.
"I don't know." Mia sighed.
"He still hasn't talked to you?" she asked.
"Nope! But I understand him. I'm still shocked as well. I just take things easier." she smiled.
"I can't even imagine how you're feeling." Amy patted her back.
"I feel kind of empty inside but it could be a lot worse." Mia nodded.

Fred walked in front of them, in the other direction.

"Hey, George!" Mia waved.
"H-" he stopped as both of the girls walked past him.
"Isn't that Fred?" Amy whispered.
"Shhh~" Mia smiled.
"..." Fred shrugged and continued walking.
"I will pretend that I've forgotten their birthday and I will switch their names." Mia whispered.
"Sounds fun!" Amy giggled.

George ran after Fred.

"Hey, Fred!" both of the girls smiled.
"What?" he turned around and ran backwards.
"We said hey!" Amy looked back.
"O- Okay!" he turned back around.

They giggled. Amy left Mia and went to her Charms class. Mia wondered alone on her way to Arithmancy and ran into Emily.

"Hi!" Emily waved.
"Hey!" Mia smiled.
"How are you?" she asked.
"I'm not sure actually." Mia sighed, "You?" she looked at her.
"I could be better." she nodded.
"What's the problem?" Mia smiled kindly.
"Nothing. My brother is ignoring me." she sighed.
"I kid you not have the same problem." Mia giggled.
"Really?" Emily looked at her.
"Yeah. We recently learned that we're not related in any way. I was kind of adopted but not officially. We were half twins, we shared one father but turns out he's not my father." Mia explained.
"Oh. I just found out that he became a Death Eater. He hasn't come home for about a week." Emily smiled.
"Oh wow! What's his name?" she asked.
"Milo White." Emily smiled.
"I think I heard Voldy mention his name once." Mia nodded.
"You just call him like that?" she gasped.
"I could call him Tom. I don't really care." Mia laughed.
"I could never." Emily giggled.
"I'm terrified of him but he used to be scared of my mum. I feel strong now." Mia laughed.
"Lucky." she smiled, "Headmaster said that in my grade we are 25(idk how many were there) but I met only 23 yesterday. Who are the other two?" she asked.
"Oh! It's Fred and George. I know that it sounds weird but I'm dating BOTH of them at the same time. I swear that I'm not a whore, I just couldn't choose one. They're in my classes because of creeps that I've encountered with." Mia explained.
"Oh okay. Trust me, you're not a whore. Do whatever your heart tells you to." she smiled.
"You're too nice!" Mia pouted.
"No, you are!" Emily blushed, "I'll go now. I have Arithmancy." she smiled.
"No way! I have Arithmancy as well." Mia crossed her arms.
"Looks like they have put two classes together." she nodded.
"Well, putting 6th and 4th years together is THE WORST decision Professor has ever made." Mia laughed.

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