The Date

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Mia woke up. It was around 11:30am. Bill and Arthur were already at work and the twins at school. Mia got out of bed and took a shower. She did friend her hair and put it all in a high ponytail. Het facial features popped again, just like at the Slytherin party. Mia ran downstairs and sat down.

"Want anything to eat, dear?" Molly asked.
"No, thanks! I'm not hungry." Mia smiled.
"Okay, I'll leave it for when you come back." she smiled, "Bill said you'll be going out by yourself. Do you need money?" she her hand in her pocket.
"No, no! I still have some." Mia shook her hands in front tof her, "Also, all I'll be doing is getting some Butterbeer." Mia smiled.
"Okay." she nodded.
"What time is it?" Mia asked.
"It's almost 1 o'clock." Molly answered.
"Okay. I'll go get really then. Maybe Draco changes him mind again and comes too. Can't expect anything from him though." Mia got up.

Mia went up and changed her clothes. Molly had done the laundry, so Mia could wear her own clothes today. When she was done, Mia ran back downstairs to say goodbye to Molly. Then she ran to the fireplace and went to the Diagon Allay. When she got closer to the Cafe, she saw that the twins and Ray were already there. She was slowly walking towards the Cafe when the boys saw her. Before they could say hi to her, Darco went up behind Mia and took her hand.

"Huh?" Mia looked at him.
"Aren't we going on a date?" he smiled.

Mia smiled and walked in with him. They both ordered butterbeer and sat down by one of the tables. Ray and the guys were sitting by a outside table. Fred and George didn't let an eye off of them.

"So, when exactly did you start liking me?" Mia asked.
"Me? first year." he smiled.
"What? Then why did you bully me?" she laughed.
"I'm a Malfoy, I should be bullying everyone I see." he shrugged and sipped some butterbeer.
"That's not true. You didn't bully anyone except me, Neville and my brother." Mia looked away.
"It's Harry's fault. He wasn't nice to me when I was. Neville is shy and awkward, so it's fun to bully him. You... That was the only way I could get your attention. Even if we were classmates, you were always around Percy and didn't speak a word to me for the first couple months." he explained.
"If you were nice enough, we would have talked a lot." Mia shrughed, "I'm surprised that we're this close in just two years." she smiled.
"I was already feeling the connection when I met you. I stopped bullying you when you finally started talking to me." he grinned.
"Well, you still bully me." Mia giggled.
"When?" he touched her hand.

[That's just because they're looking right now.]

"Let's not think about them. Want to go to the park?" she smiled.
"Of course! I haven't been there in ages!" he smiled and stood up.

Fred and George looked at each other and then back at them. Mia and Draco took their Butterbeer and walked out of the Cafe. They walked past the trio without looking at them.

"Honestly I wouldn't think about them but now I like the idea of making them jealous." he smirked.
"I know that you may feel like a second choise but it's not true. I don't know who I like. You may be my second choice, maybe they." Mia looked at him.
"It's okay. I don't feel like that." he smiled and put his arm around her shoulders.

[They're behind us.]

"Let's sit right here." she pointed at a bench.

Both of them sat down. The trio sat down on the next bench, on Mia's side. They were looking at Mia and Ray was looking at Draco.

"I think Ray likes you. She's looking at you." Mia smiled.
"No, thanks! I better stay single than be with her." he shook his head.

Mia saw with the corner of her eye that Fred put his arm around Ray. Draco put his arm around her shoulder.

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