Almost Yule Ball

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A/n: I just realized that I messed up Bill's age gap with the others. He's not 9 years older than Mia. Mia is born in 1980 and Bill in 1970. He's 10 years older than her. Let's just ignore how horrible I'm at math and at remembering things 🖐️😑

Fast forward.

It's about couple of days before the Yule ball. Everyone already 4 date. She will dance with one of the first year Gryffindors boys. His name is Leo. Mia has been keeping an eye on him for a while. Mia turns into a overprotective aunt when she sees them together. Even Severus has been eying him secretly.

Leo comes over to play with her at his house. Sev has made the 'doors open' rule that they have to follow while he's there. It doesn't apply to Mia. The twins don't go there anyway. They were over once and they did it as well because Mia had to remind Amy and Leo to keep their door open.

Mia and the twins are at Sirius' house. They're helping him and Remus decorate the house and make food. The twins are putting on the ornaments on the Christmas tree while Mia is helping Remus with baking.

"How often do you bake or cook?" Remus asked.
"Almost never. I think the last time was when I made breakfast at the Burrow which was about 2 months ago." she answered.
"What did you make?" he looked at her.
"Omelet and bacon." she smiled.
"Oh, nice and easy, huh!" he smiled.
"Yeah! I stole a piece of bacon from her mouth. That one was extra delicious." Fred smirked.
"..." Remus almost dropped the cookie tray.
"Fred, don't! We're over at my Godfathers' house and one of them is our professor. Act normal!" Mia stared at him.
"I'm sorry, professor!" he bowed and turned back to the tree.
"Is he always a flirt?" Remus whisper.
"No." she shook her head, "He does say some dirty stuff sometimes though. But nothing that might creep me out." she shrugged.
"What about George?" he asked.
"Oh, he's a sweetheart! He does say some dirty stuff but he starts laughing after. He can't take himself seriously." Mia giggled.
"Are you happy with them?" he looked her straight in the eyes.
"Of course I am! I was happy while being just friends but now I can't be happier." she nodded shyly.
"I'm happy for you! At least you keep them away from trouble." he patted her head.
"I do what now? I'm the one who thinks of the ideas of what we should do." Mia laughed.
"I'll ignore what you just said." he looked away.
"As you wish!" she chuckled.

The boys finished decorating the Christmas tree and the forniture. Mia and Remus made food. They baked cookies, gingerbread men and some more of Christmas dishes. Sirius was cleaning the house. He started with the downstairs, so they could start there. Now he was done with the 2nd floor as well. 2nd floor is just their, Harry's and Mia's rooms. Mia took some decorations up to her room. The twins helped Sirius with his and Remus' room. Mia put some red, white and green decorative snow balls on her ceiling and some Christmas tree ornaments on her curtains. George came in her room. He walked behind her and put his arms around her waist.

"Are you done yet?" he asked.
"Almost. What's up?" Mia looked at him.
"I wanted to tell you something." he said sadly.
"If you broke Siri's bed again, say it was my fault." she laughed.
"No, something a bit more serious." he turned her around.
"What's wrong?" Mia put down a snow ball.
"I don't want to make this hard to explain or anything but..." he looked down.
"George, what's wrong?" Mia sat down on her desk.
"You see... You and Fred are always kissing, hugging, cuddling and all that, right?" he asked.
"Yes. And so do we. What's your point?" Mia laughed.
"You just seem to spend less time with me." he looked up at her.
"What are you talking about? All three spend the same amount of time together." Mia was confused.
"I know! You just don't really act like we did at the beginning. You and Fred are getting more and more flirty and some days I stand in the back, not getting even a smile from you." he shrugged.
"George..." Mia sighed.
"Do you still love me the same?" he looked at her with tears.

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