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If I loved someone in this life
Is 'cause of you
If I hadn't been so lost it wouldn't be truth

A light in the way
A castle in the waves
I could write a song but you know
That's all the same

If only you knew
That's all I do

And I know that you trust me
Even when I colour you blue
I want to take you out of the mess
Believe, I would do it for you

I never get all things right
I always try, try, try
But I would do anything to keep my heart
Next to you

Because I live for you, they did it for no one
That's why I meet you in the air
And put you in a song

Stay forever spring
I like autumn, but not the fall
I can tell you again
You make me the brightest of all.

Consonância (Concluído)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora