take that from me - take me back

9 3 2

You took me to sea, summer, sweet sailing, soleil
Holding me tight, tied to the moon, turning to you, tall

Lychee, lemon, lovely lady
How can I be great when you're golden
How can I be constant when you're a constellation

Take me back, bittersweet fruit
To the city that makes me cry
Take me back, poppy seed
So that maybe I'll know why

I've offered you three summers
Three winters in paradise
Take that from me
You can give me just two kisses
Just two blue dots staring at the starry sky

Little seed of emotion, devotion
You're part of my only motion
Ultraviolet rays of your ultra romance ways

Come back to my arms of branches and salted leaves
I came back to your lovely eyes and pinkish cheeks

I reclaim from the sun, sorrow, silly song so sweet
All the things that lasted and I loved and lost and landed in my lyrics

For that I'd ruin myself
A thousand times, take your time and take me back

To your warm, welcoming wandering arms.

Consonância (Concluído)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora