Hide and Seek III

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(Okay. I feel doing something good. TAKE NOTE: FOR NOW ONLEH.)
???: *enters random room*

???: Shit shit shit shit shit *hides in the shadows*

Mika: *enters the room* Light can never hide in the Dark right? Light just lightens up Darkness. But who is that darkness?

???: *stays silent*

Mika: Haha, I wont hurt you *sinister smiles*

???: *steps out of the shadows*

Mika: Haha. Baka. I'm the wrong person to trust *brings out whip*

???: Nooooo!!!!! AAHHHHHH!!!!! *runs away but slips*


Light: Nooooo!!!!! AAHHHHHH!!!!! *runs away but slips*

Mika: He he he heh. You trusted the wrong person, Light *whips Light 10 times*

Light: Aaahhhhhh!!!!

Mika: *whips more* That's for attempting to Kira me

Light: I'm sorry I wont do that again!!!! Just stop whipping it hurts so much!!!

Mika: *grins sinisterly* Begging won't do anything. Welcome to Hell, Light *straightens whip*

Light: *stares at the ship in horror* NOOO!!!! PLEASE NOOOO!!!!!

Mika: *smirks* I told you, begging wont work *strangles Light with whip*

Light: *breathing slows*

Mika: Heh. Weakling *takes out knife*

Light: *struggles* Hmmmmm Nu---- akdec *chokes*

Mika: Bye bye, sweetie pie and good night to you too *cuts her name on Light's chest*


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