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Shiruka: Shiku-chan senpai, for yesterdays chapter, WHO is the person she hates?

Shiori: Idk and Idc

Cath: *glares at Shiori* Isn't it obvious?!?!?

Mika: I HATE YOU MELLO yet I still love you.... WE'LL DO THIS THE HARD WAY. I still love you, but I also love Zero-kun sama....

Zero: *smirks* It was wrong to let her go, Mihael Keehl *hugs Mika*

Mika: *kisses Zero* Ze-Zero... My head is painful *Shiori, Shiruka and Miko goes back into Mika*

Mika: I knew I always loved you, Zero!!! *hugs Zero and kisses him on the lips*

Zero: Then it's settled

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