Back to school

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Mika: It's fucking back to school bitches! *ehem* I mean my dear dokusha's!

Miyu: More days of hell!

Kiku: I wish I could bring my Hell Scythe and kill all my teachers with it

Mika: Everyone wants to do that, Kiku

Everyone (xcept Kiku, Mika, Miyu and Trenete): Not everyone

Kiku and Mika: And we fucking don't care!

Miyu: I got noodles!


Mika, Kiku, Miyu and Trenete: *eats noodles*

Mello and Matt: Insane people *shakes head*

L and Near: We will never understand them

Kiku: Because you're not smart enough bitch!

Beyond: I am!

Mello: You're as insane as them. A psychopath

Trenete: LOL

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