The Doll Part 3

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Mika and Kiku: *hears blood squirting* NOOO FUCKING KIRA NOOO!!!!!

Mika and Kiku: *teleports everyone to Beyond, Mello and Matt*

Mika: *finds Mello amd Matt with slit wrists and slit throats* NOOOOO GODDAMN ANNABELLE NOOOO AWHILE AGO IT WAS MIYU THEN NOW IT'S MELLO AND MATT!? WELL FUCK YOU ANNABELLE YOU HAPPY NOW!? *sobs uncontrollably on Mello's bloody shirt and get's blood on face, hands and body*

L: This is too violent...


Kiku: Noo... Beyond... *sobs quietly on Beyond's shirt and get's blood everywhere*

Mika and Kiku: *stand up covered in blood holding a knife looking insane* This happened and were gonna avenge them... *teleports to Annabelle*

L, Light and Near: Uh oh

Kiku: You killed my dear Beyond...

Mika:...then you killed my dear sister and my dear boyfriend Mello...

Mika and Kiku: AND THAT RESULTS TO KILL YOU!!!! *starts stomping on Annabelle*

Mika: Wait

Kiku: What?

Mika: Let's kill this bitch with our Death Scythe's!

Kiku: Hell yeah! *kills Annabelle with Death Scythe*

Annabelle: *laughs a childish laugh and dies*

Mika and Kiku: *still stomping on Annabelle*

Trenete: You gotta stop them they're going insane!

Mika and Kiku: *laughing maniacally* DIE BITCH!

Trenete: *revives Miyu, Beyond, Mello, Matt, Jammie and Fluff*

Miyu, Beyond, Mello and Matt: We're all alive!

Mika: MELLO! *bear hugs Mello*

Matt: MIYU!!! *hugs Miyu*

Kiku: BEYOND!!!!!!!!! *squeezes the life out of Beyond*

Mello, Miyu and Behond: ...... Hey..... Can't breath...

Mika, Matt and Kiku: Oh! Sorry *lets go*

Jammie and Fluff: And that's how Mika and Kiku stopped getting scared of Annabelle

Mika: Jammie! Fluff! *hugs Jammie and Fluff gently*

Jammie and Fluff: Mroew!


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