Hngh Blah

40 7 10

Shiori Shiku (The girl who always writes the story, not Mika btw): *Lying on the floor and fiddling with her phone*

Matsuda: Ms. Shiku, isn't it uncomfortable lying down on the floor?

Shiori: *looks up at Matsuda with.a poker face* Have you ever lied down on the floor?


Shiori: Then you don't know if it's comfortable or not

Matsuda: Gee I don't think Icould live that smart

Shiori: Then go cry a river

Near: What?

Shiori: Not you Near

Near: Waht

Mika: Heeeeeey

Shiori: Ay may KSP...

Mika: Shut up bitch

Shiori: Imma tell you don't call me bitch again cause I'll stop writing my stories


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