[03] We need to meet them

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Aᴜɢᴜs 30,2021

Mᴏɴᴅᴀʏ Nɪɢʜᴛ

•Fʟʏɴɴ's Pᴏᴠ•

After we went into our apartments I walked to my room. 

^Flynn's Room^

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^Flynn's Room^

"I call getting in the shower first" I yelled to willie. "Whatever kiddo" Willie yelled back. I could hear Julie laughing from her room. I walked in to bathroom and took my shower. After that I put my large jersey over my body and hop in my bed. We have the living room and the kitchen too unpack and then we are with our apartment.

You maybe wonder why me and willie are with the molina's. You could say we live or we're adopted by the Molina's. My parents kicked us to the curve when they found out they hit the lottery. Never knew money could make you do stuff like that. We decided that since willie will be in dorms for college tomorrow and it's was only four of us, we were straight.

The rent is like 650 every five months for four people in one apartment plus the water, lights and gas etc. So we're all set for now. Last summer has been crazy for me. Me and the boys had massive water ballon fight. I passed my freshman year.

Uh I got kidnapped. Got kicked out by my own parents. I broke up with my psychopath boyfriend who's practically the devil's son. Me, julie, and the boys almost got killed by Celeb Covington because he's a psychopath just like his son. Yeah it's been a ride. Willie gave me a look in the hallway earlier and I knew why.

Because after everything that happened that week it's hard for me to trust new people. But hey we're in Chicago now. It's time for me to open up a little bit more. Ray had already enrolled us at school but we started two days.

  Aᴜɢᴜs 31,2021

Tʜᴇ Nx Dᴀʏ

•Bᴏᴏᴋᴇʀ's Pᴏᴠ•

"Hey family" Tess says as she walks in. "Hey Tess" everyone says. "Yo Nia and booker have you guys found your dates for the dance" Tess asked. "Tess the dance is like four days away" Nia answered. "Yeah but still" Tess said.
"Hey where's kid's meal" Tess says. "Oh he went to school early for some reason" I said.

"Oh okay" Tess says. "You want to go see Julie and Flynn before we leave for school" Tess said. "YES" me and Nia said at the same time. "Who Flynn and Julie" momma said. "Yeah and do we know there parents" aunt Chelsea said.

"No they just move here like what yesterday or like this weekend" Nia said. "We need to meet them just in case they're a bad influence" momma said. "Fine we'll ask them before we go to school" I said. "You better" Momma said. We all nodded and headed towards the door then walked out.

"Let's go" Tess said. We went to Flynn and Julie's apartment. Nia knocked on the door. "Who is it" a man said through the door. "We're Julie's neighbors" Nia says.

The man unlocked the door and study us before smiling. "You must be the kids that save Flynn's life yesterday" the man said. We all nodded and smiled. "I'm ray molina" Mr.Molina said as he shook our hands. "Hello Mr.Molina I'm Nia Baxter-carter that's my twin booker and my best friend Tess O'Malley" Nia said as she points us out.

"Nice to meet you guys, do you need Julie and Flynn" Mr.Molina said and asked. "Not really we just wanted to say hi before we left for school" Tess says. "Julie, Flynn your friends came to see you" Mr.Molina call to the girls. Julie came up to us with a messy bun, a music shirt and green silk doted pants on. "Hey guys, Flynn's coming in a sec" Julie says.

Nia looked at Julie in a loving way. "We just wanted to say hey before we went to school" I said. "Oh okay well hey and you may see me in tomorrow along with Flynn at your school"Julie says as she smiles. We started to talk a little more until Flynn came up to Julie. "Flynn the crew came to talk to us before they left for school" Julie says to Flynn.

Flynn gave us a half of a smile before yawning. "Hey...sorry I'm just not use to getting up this earlier, what's up" Flynn says. She had on a overly large jersey on with the number 17 with her name on it. She looked beautiful I couldn't help but stare. It's like she needs No Filter she's already beautiful.

"Like Julie just said we wanted to see you before we left for school" Tess said. "Oh okay well when's your school time" Flynn asked. "7:50" Nia answered. "It's what...7:39 and we really don't want you guys to be late so yeah, I know ray enroll us to your school so we will see you there" Flynn says. "Okay cool can we get your numbers" I asked instantly.

She laughs then tells us their numbers. "Okay got it" Nia said. "Yeah thanks" I said. "Anytime" Flynn and Julie said in sync. "Hey any chance I could get willie's number" Tess asked as she types Flynn's number in her phone.

Flynn started to laugh. Tess looked scared. "Sorry love but number one he's too old for you and number two he is-" Flynn says before her sentence gets cuts off by someone behind her. "-Two I'm in college and you're not" willie says with smile. "That still won't stop me from checking you out" Tess said as she looked up from her phone.

"I'm sure it won't" Willie says. "I think I'm going to be sick" Flynn said jokingly as she gags. We all laughed at her. "You guys better get to school" Julie says. We nodded.

Flynn looked at willie and saw him shirtless again. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE SHIRT" Flynn says before she punched him in the arm. "You not the boss of me" Willie said as he rubs his arm. We laughed as the two siblings argue. "We'll see you guys later" Flynn says before julie waves and shuts the door.

"Man, they are funny" Tess says as we walked away from the girl's apartment door. "Yeah they are" Nia said. "Did you see Flynn in that jersey she looked really pretty" I said with a smile. "Yeah and so did Julie" Nia said. "I wouldn't mind waking up to see that every morning"Me and Nia said at the same time.

We looked at each other and smiled. Then looked down at the ground before we started walking to the elevator. There was no doubt that Nia was bisexual she sucks at hiding it when it comes to girls. Well not when she with momma and aunt chelsea she's great at hiding it then. We headed to school ready to start the day.

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