[28] Without A Reason

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"Yeah but I wanna know what that reason is Jules"

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"Yeah but I wanna know what that reason is Jules"

Sᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 19, 2021

Mᴏɴᴅᴀʏ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

•Fʟʏɴɴ's Pᴏᴠ•

"Hey Underachiever" I said as I walked up to her locker. "Hey Disappointment" Julie said as she closed her locker and smiled. "You never told me about your date last night" Julie says as she points to me. "Oh right Uh it went great" I said with a smile. "-Don't believe it" She says. "Why not" I asked.

"I just don't think your telling the truth" Julie said as she crossed her arms. "Fine...me and booker kissed" I said. "Really" Julie asked with a smile. "Yeah" I said with a slight smile just by the thought of it. My smile had fallen once I remember what happened afterwards.

"You don't look to happy about it" Julie says as pushed her hair out of the way. "N-no trust me I'm happy about it honest, I just don't think that he was" I said as I started to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from crying, again. "What do you mean" Jules asked. "Once we broke the kiss he said and I quote 'I did not mean to do that'" I stated. "What" Julie asked in shock.

"So yeah my guess is that it wasn't the right time but hey who knows he probably just didn't want to kiss me" I said while looking down. "He obviously wanted to kiss you, Flynn, I mean he wouldn't have done it without a reason" Julie says. "Yeah but I wanna know what that reason is Jules" I said as throw my phone down. "You gonna pick that up" Julie asked sarcastically. "Hush" I said as bent down to get my phone.

"-And speaking of the devil here he comes" Julie says as I stood back up. "What" I asked as my eyes widen. "Buh-bye" Julie says as she waves goodbye before turning around and walks away. "JULIE" I called out as the bell rung. She blew me an air kiss before going to her last class of the day.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. I've been avoiding booker all day even in the classes I have with him which is literally every single one. "Felicity wait" Booker says as he ran up behind me. "Booker I gotta get to class" I said as booker came up beside me.

"We have the same classes" Booker says. I rolled my eyes and booker grabs my hand which stopped me from walking. "Flynn you've been avoiding me all day" Booker says. I faked a gasp and pushed his shoulder back. "I have not" I said. "Yes you have" He says.

"Not" I said as I crossed my arms while walking to class. "Flynn, I'm being serious" Booker says as he follows. "Me too" I said. "Why won't you talk to me" Booker asked. "I'm talking to you now this should be good enough" I said in a tone. "You're mad at me aren't you" booker asked.

"I'm not mad Booker...I just don't get it, why did you kiss me if you didn't mean it" I question as I held my stomach. "It's complicated" Booker says. Seriously it's complicated, that's all he's got. The final bell had rung. "Booker can we talk about this another time" I asked. "Sure" Booker says.

We both headed into our math class. "Yo booker" Noah said as he called booker over. I honestly hate that dude with a passion. He wants to be a pretty boy so bad and I don't know why. Noah winked at me and I rolled my eyes heading up to the front. Booker sat in the back.

•Bᴏᴏᴋᴇʀ's Pᴏᴠ•

"Sup Noah" I said as I sat down. "So how's you and your little girlfriend" Noah asked. "Not my girlfriend Noah" I said as I placed my head down on the desk. "Yeah right" Noah said. "Can I get with her" Noah questions.

"Can you shut the hell up" I asked as I looked up at him. "I try" Noah joked. "Try harder" I stated. "What's got your balls twisted" Noah asked. "Just shut up and do your damn math problems" I said with a glared as I placed my head back down on the desk. I started to think about all the other ways I could try to get flynn to forgive me besides the one I had in mind.

An Hour Later

The final bell had rung and everyone left the class. "Booker" I heard someone say behind me. I was hoping it was Flynn but it was Julie instead. "Hey Jules" I said with a head nod. "Yeah hey, listen I'm honestly still kind of confused on the situation with you and Flynn right now" Julie said.

"She told you" I asked. "Yeah" Julie says blankly. I gulped thinking that she was about to go off on me. "I need you to fix the problem and I don't know why you said or did that to flynn but I do know that you wouldn't her hurt on purpose-" Julie starts. "-So with that being said, I need this relationship back on track because flynn is happy with you and I haven't seen her this happy in like a while so fix it, yeah" Julie says.

"Got it" I said. "-And please don't tell her I told you all of that...she doesn't like me meddling in her relationships" Julie says. I chuckled and nodded. "I'll fix this, I promise" I stared. Julie smiled and nods. "JULIE" Flynn called out as she grabs Julie's hand.

"I have to tell you something, let's go" Flynn said with a smile on her face. "O-okay" Julie says as she was now confused. "Bye" Flynn says quickly as she rushed off. "FELICITY" I called out trying to get her to come back. "GOODBYE BOOKER" She yelled back. Great.

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