[12] Friday Night Tights: Part 5

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"Did you even tell Julie about your plan"

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"Did you even tell Julie about your plan"

•Rᴀᴠᴇɴ's Pᴏᴠ•

"Impressed, I am so...in...love" Jax said. "YES, Where...do...I...sign" I said mockingly as I laughed. "But, I have a few notes" Jax said. Here we go again. "It's a little samey-samey don't you think"Jax asked.

"Yes" I said. "But that's what you asked for, No" I said pointing to my design. "Yes..it's not" Jax said. I gave him a weird look. "At E16, we are all about making a splash, so, add a splash of purple here, splash of red there, and a splash of yellow at the top maybe a little green" Jax explained as he goes to different spots where I should put the colors.

"Mmhmm, so you want me to put in hours of work for something I already done" I asked. "Exactement" Jax said happily. "You get it" Jax said. he held his hand out then placed it back down to us side. Mm, someone's gon get it.

•Nɪᴀ's Pᴏᴠ•

I was walking down stairs. I saw Tess. "Hey tess, I think I have a solution" I said happily. "So, Guatemala hydroelectricity resources are key to Belgium's survival" I said. "If we stick together, Belgium can solve it's water population problem" I said.

"I see" Tess said. "Yeah" I said. "So, Belgium is Guatemala to betray it's people by taking resources away from them for nothing in return" Tess says with a blank expression as she walks away. "It's people" I asked. "No tess this is not it at all, okay this is actually good for Guatemala" I said trying to reason with her.

"Right" Ted said smiling. "How so" Tess asked as her smile falls. "Well...because helping Belgium is....good for Guatemala" I said unsure of how to put it. "Come on, Tess you don't even care about any of this" I said. "You're only helping me out for extra credit" I said. "Just lemme do all the thinking for Guatemala" I said.

"Oh snap, you're a dictator trying to extert your big Belgium waffle people over me, and I'm not going to stand for it" Tess said as she pulls out a beret and puts it on. "Oh where did you get the beret" I asked. "Theater department" Tess said. "Cute" I said. "Thanks" Tess said.

"Did you even tell Julie about your plan" Tess asked. "No, not yet I haven't seen her all day" I said sadly. "Well, I'm sure she's fine" Tess said with a slight smile. I nodded my head. "I'm voting for what's best for Guatemala" Tess said getting back on topic.

"Come on Tess-" I said before she cuts me off. "Fight the power" Tess said loudly as she holds her fist up. Tess walks away then comes back. "You're the power in this scenario" Tess said. I nod sarcastically.

𝗡𝗼 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿//𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘳-𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 *ᵒⁿ ʰᵒˡᵈ*Where stories live. Discover now