[31] Complicated

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•Fʟʏɴɴ's Pᴏᴠ•

"Hey flynn" Ray says. "Hey Ray" I said with a smile. I smiled a bit and went up to him to kiss his cheek. "You hungry, we're having pasta" Ray asked. "Oh uh no I'm not really hungry" I said. "Really you haven't ate since you got out of school" Ray says. "Yeah I'm fine" I stated as I pressed my lips together.

I yawned and kissed his cheek again. "I'm um going to take a shower and all that jazz so goodnight" I said. "Goodnight hun" Ray says as he kissed the top of my head. I smiled before heading to my room. I open my room door only see Julie on my bed and carrie laying on the floor.

"Hey guys" I said. They both looked over at me and smiled. "Welcome back" Julie says. I smiled. "I've only been gone for an hour" I said. "Two actually" Carrie correct.

"Shit time moves fast" I joked. Carrie smiled and gets off the floor. I hugged her and we let go. "Sorry I couldn't hang today" I apologized. "It's fine Julie kept me company" Carrie says. I smiled and nodded.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah" Carrie asked. "Definitely" I said. "Great" She beams before leaving. I giggled and shut the door behind me. "How was it" Julie asked. "How was what" I asked.

"Don't play dumb Lynn" Julie says. I grab my pajamas and slung my towel over my shoulder. "Did he fix it like he promise" Julie beams. I stopped in my tracks once I heard that sentence. "Promised" I asked as raised my eyebrow at her. Her eyes widen.

"Sorry" Julie apologized. "You're meddling in my relationships again, Julie" I spat. "Flynn I'm sorry, I just wanted him make things right-" Julie started. "-I mean I haven't seen you this happy about a boy since Matteo" Julie finished. My chest started to hurt and I shut my eyes tight while pointing to the door.

"Jules can you uh get out" I asked in a shaky voice. "Flynn I-" Julie starts but I cut her off. "Just please..get out" I sighed. "Fine" Julie says softly before leaving my room. I slid down my door and cried. Why does everything have to be so complicated.

•Bᴏᴏᴋᴇʀ's Pᴏᴠ•

I finally managed to leave Madelyn. I made it back home and open my apartment door. I saw my mom in the kitchen and Nia reading on the couch. "Hey book" Nia says blankly. "Sup" I said as headed to my room. "HOLD IT" mom called out.

Whyyy. I mentally stomped around and turned towards my mom. I saw mom and Nia standing next to each other. "I feel like this is a trap" I joked. "Flynn came home crying, Why" Nia asked.

I scoffed. So we're doing this. "I don't want to talk about it alright" I stated as I stared at Nia trying my best not to look at mom. "Why not" Mom asked. I looked over at her and she looked pissed. "I-" I started but no other words came out.

"Ca-can I like just go to my room" I asked as I pointed behind me. "No sit" Mom says. "I'm going to my room, I don't want to be near her when she explodes" Nia jokes. She glared at me and heads to her room. I sighed and went to go sit on the couch.

Mom sat down next to me and waited for me to talk. "I have nothing to say momma" I said as I played with my hands. "Oh okay then you're free to go" mom says. I instantly got up. "Boy, if you don't sit back down" Momma hissed.

I sat back down and groaned. "Momma I don't know what else to tell you besides the fact that I messed up everything that I had with flynn" I said. "The girl came over looking like a crying mess, Book I'm pretty sure you didn't just mess up" Momma said. "Tell me what exactly happened" Momma says. I sighed.

"Everything started after the date" I said. "Oh the date you told me that everything went perfect on" Momma says. "Momma" I said as I gave her a side glance. "Fine fine continue" Mom says. "We stopped at the end of the stairs and told each other that we should go out again-" I started. "-I was planning on telling about my visions and then I guess I freaked out once I saw madelyn-" I continued.

"-I kissed flynn without processing my thoughts, I froze and couldn't give her a explanation, then I tried to talk to her about it today and it went terrible-" I stated. "-I couldn't tell her about madelyn nor about the visions because I don't know how and madelyn being the stalker that she is just had to come make things worse claiming that she's my girlfriend-" I said. "-Flynn wouldn't let me explain and that's what happened" I finished. I sighed and wiped the few tears away that had fallen into my face. Mom gave me a soft side hug.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated" I asked. "Life" Mom says. I chuckled and smiled a bit. "You know you're grounded right" Momma whispered. I jumped out of her grip and looked at her.

"What why" I whined. "One you made the poor girl cry her eyes out today, and plus you're failing two of your main classes" Mom says. I gulped. "Yeah I know your grades" Momma says. "For how long" I asked.

Please don't say three weeks, please don't say three weeks. "Two weeks"  Momma says. "No you can't do that" I stood up. "Tuh try me" Momma said as she looks me up and down."Ugh this is so unfair" I groaned as I headed to my room.

"WANNA MAKE IT THREE" Momma called out. "NO MA'AM" I called out while shutting my bedroom closed.

I hate when things get complicated.

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