[13] Friday Night Tights: Part 6

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"You're mad with power Nia and Julie would say the same thing if she was with us right now"

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"You're mad with power Nia and Julie would say the same thing if she was with us right now"

•Bᴏᴏᴋᴇʀ's Pᴏᴠ•

"I did not know you were brogan415" I said. "We've been playing fort-Knife online together for months and didn't even know it" I said as we played the game. "So you must be the man while being in the chi-lective and all" Logan said. "Nah see I was the man before the chi-lective you feel me" I said with a chuckle. My phone alert went off.

It was a text from flynn saying "R U
ready for ballet rehearsal tomorrow?". "Wait, ballet rehearsal" Logan asked. I looked at my laptop a realized that my messages were still attached. "Didn't expect that from booker B" Logan said. "Oh well I
I-I do it to support flynn you know she's new to town and school just like you" I said.

"If you're putting on ballet shoes you're catching feelings my friend" Logan said. "Nah, nah, nah it's not like that but, I mean I can't help it if she's catching feelings for me" I said. "Hey bro it's your rep not mine" Logan said. "Hey, don't worry about my rep I do what I want, like I can change my mind right now....'don't think ballet is for me'..see" I said as I sent the text to Flynn. 'All good' Flynn texted back.

"There done" I said. "All right, sweet" Logan said. We went back to playing the game.

•Nɪᴀ's Pᴏᴠ•

"I can't believe you voted against us Tess" I said. "You know, Guatemala is being a real plantain in the neck right" I said. "You're mad with power Nia and Julie would say the same thing if she was with us right now" Tess said. "Also, Belgium's being a real carbonade flamande" Tess said. "Oh so you need Guatemala to teach you about the traditional Belgian delicacy" Tess said.

"OKAY, Guatemala and Belgium, pipe down" Mom said. "Switzerland is speaking" Mom said as she got up from the couch. "Now, seriously girls why are you bickering, don't you remember why you got into this in the first place" Mom asked. "Extra credit and for Julie to spend time with Ni-us..Us more" Tess said as I hit her in the ribs. "To be recognized as the greatest diplomat ever" I said.

Tess gasped and points to me. "Did I say that out loud" I asked. "It was because of girl power" mom said. "Young girls shouldn't tear other young girls down" mom said. Mom had an expression on her face like she realized something.

"That's it...that's my new line" mom said as she did a little dance. Mom laughs. "-with you two bickering I found my inspiration...now make up" mom said happily as she carried her mannequin put the room. "Belgium is waiting for Guatemala's apology" I said turning to Tess. "Well Guatemala isn't sorry" Tess said. "No lo siento" Tess said in Spanish.

Tess leaves. "First the beret and now Spanish" I said. "Who is she" I asked myself.

𝗡𝗼 𝗙𝗶𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿//𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘢𝘹𝘵𝘦𝘳-𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘦𝘳 *ᵒⁿ ʰᵒˡᵈ*Where stories live. Discover now