[44] Party Night: Part 3

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After leaving the party, Booker and Flynn walked home. Flynn held hands with booker the whole time. They were in the lobby waiting for the elevator door to open. "Hey B" Flynn asked. "Yeah" He respond while looking down at her.

"Can I spend the rest of the night at your place...I just don't want to wake up and be bothered with million questions on another lie that Julie told my dad" Flynn says as they both get on the elevator and pressed their floor level. "Yeah definitely, mom and Chelsea won't mind...they love you, maybe more than me" Booker jokes. "Ha Ha so funny" Flynn smiled. Booker chuckled and wrapped his arm around Flynn's shoulder. "Did you have fun at the party" Booker asked.

"Some what, I mean it was fun at first, me and carrie were partying then she found Tess, I was kinda on my own after that-" Flynn started. "-Me and Julie got into another argument so that was fun too" Flynn rolled her eyes. "Again" Booker questioned. "Yeah, it was dumb and I barely remember any of it" She says. Booker hummed and the elevator door opens.

"Anyways, you look good...were you planning on staying at the party" Flynn asked while walking up the steps. "Yes and no" Booker answers. Flynn pulled her eyebrows together waiting on booker to speak. "Yes, I would've stayed longer and by tomorrow I would be throwing up my guts-" Booker said. "-No, because I got something better than a stupid party...I'm getting to hang out with you and that's even better" Booker continued as he nudge Flynn and she nudge back.

"Whatever" Flynn smiled and playfully rolled her eyes. Booker and Flynn made it to Booker's apartment door and he unlocks it. "Oh hey kids" Raven says as she was on the pull out couch watching something on Netflix.

"Hey mom". "Hello Ms.Baxter".

Raven paused her show and looked at the two kids. "It's like 11 o'clock I thought you guys would still be out partying" Raven says. "It was wack" The two teens said together. Raven chuckled. "So you two had permission to go to a high school party and stay out late but decided to come back home all because the party was "wack", Really" Raven asked.


"We're getting so good at this parenting thing, don't you think" Raven beams. Booker smiled. "Slay Ms.B, Slay" Flynn giggled.  Raven smiled before speaking. "So Flynn, are you staying the night" She asked.

"Yes, if it's fine with you" Flynn says. "It's totally fine, you still have some of your clothes from the last sleepover that I put away in Nia's room" Raven says. "Sweet" Flynn smiled. "I'll uh go get settled, it's been a long night" Flynn smiled softly before walking around the couch. "Hey Fee, afterwards come to my room...I need to tell you something" Booker says.

"That never ends good booker, we both know that" Flynn says before she goes to Nia's room.

Booker chuckled lightly and sat next to his mom. "You're going to tell her about your visions, aren't you" Raven asked. "How did you know" Booker asked in a bit of a shock tone. "You're my child booker, I know you" Raven laughs. "True...but yeah I'll try and see how it goes" Booker says as he gets up and head to his room.

"Good luck baby, and keep that door open, y'all ain't slick" Raven laughs. Booker chuckled, made it into his room, got on his phone and waited for Flynn to get done with her night routine so he can do his.

"You got this booker, you can't back out now" He thought.


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