[37] Project Awkwardness

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^Look at my babies <3^

^Look at my babies <3^

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Tᴜᴇsᴅᴀʏ Mᴏʀɴɪɴɢ

A Fᴇᴡ Dᴀʏs Lᴀᴛᴇʀ

Sᴇᴘᴛᴇᴍʙᴇʀ 27, 2021

•Tʜɪʀᴅ Pᴇʀsᴏɴ's Pᴏᴠ•


Nia was woken up by small whimpers and movements that were being made beside her. Once it stopped, Nia drifted back off to sleep until the cries and shifting got in the way of nia's sleep again. Nia eyes fluttered open and looked to her side seeing her friend with sweat dripping down on her forehead. "Flynn" Nia whispered. "Flynn" Nia says as she slightly hakes her to wake up.

Flynn just moved around more. "Flynn wake up" Nia says a bit louder and shoved her a bit harder than she wanted to. Flynn jumped up out of her sleep and ran her hand through her curly hair. "Hey it was just a dream, You're fine" Nia says softly as she placed her hand on flynn's back causing her to jump back. "Sorry" Nia apologized.

"I-It's uh it's fine" Flynn says while trying to catch her breath. Nia nodded. "You wanna talk about it" Nia asked. Flynn shook her head and wiped away her sweat. "I'll go get you a water bottle or something" Nia says as she tries to get out of bed but flynn stops her.

"Can I go get myself" Flynn questions. "Yeah definitely...I'm sure you know where everything is s-so uh... help yourself" Nia says with a yawn. Flynn gave her a soft smile and got out of bed. "You can go back to sleep, Nia, I'm sorry for waking you up" Flynn apologized. "It-it's o-okay" Nia says throughout her yawn.

Nia laid back down and flynn quietly left the room.

•Fʟʏɴɴ's Pᴏᴠ•

My nightmares are getting worse, ugh. I sighed and quietly shut nia's bedroom door. I was heading into the kitchen but stopped in my tracks once I heard someone's voice not wanting to scare them. It was booker. What is he doing up.

"-And how could you say those things,
Those things that you didn't mean and try to get back with me-" He sung softly. "-I don't expect you to be perfect but we gotta try-" Booker continued as he tapped his pen on the counter making a soft beat. "-Because I'm too far in now to say goodbye" He stopped singing and groaned in frustration. "Still not good enough" I heard him mumbled. Was that about us.

I shook my head trying to push that thought aside and fully walked into the kitchen. Booker must've heard me come in since he instantly closed his notebook. "Well don't you seem jumpy" I joked. "I- I didn't know you were here" Booker says as he rubs the back of his neck. I chuckled.

"Yeah well me and nia were finishing up on our science project since it's due in a couple of hours and it took us literally all night to finish it so you're mom just let me stay over" I stated. It was true, me and Nia were up 'til
1:45AM trying to finish it and to make things worse I had trouble falling asleep afterwards. "Of course she did" Booker says while he rolled his eyes. What's his deal. "Is there a problem with that" I asked unsure of why he was upset.

"N-no, no, not at all" Booker said. I nodded and grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge. While drinking some of it, I felt booker's eyes on me. "What" I asked while placing the bottle cap on my water. Booker furrow his eyebrows and pointed to me.

"What are you doing up at...4:21 in the morning" he asked while looking at the clock on the microwave. "Umm-" I started trying to think of a lie. Wait why should I be lying, I mean it's booker. "I- I had a nightmare and needed some water" I said. Booker face softens a bit and he nods his head.

"You" I pointed to him. "Uh cereal" Booker says as he pointed to the bowl on the counter. "That's a fruit bowl, B" I stated. "that it is" He says. I chuckled and smiled at him.

Booker returned a soft smile to me and it went silent. Me and booker hadn't talk to each other since last friday. No one has been avoiding each other, it's just that we just stopped talking. We tried talking yesterday in the apartment lobby but it just got awkward and the awkwardness turned into an dumb argument that I don't even remember. I was glad that we were able to actually talk without all of that going on.

"Well I'm going to go and try to get more sleep before my three hours are up" I stated. "Okay uh cool, and I'll be in my room if you need me" Booker says. "Goodnight, B" I said with a tongue click. I grab my water and started to head back to nia's room but booker stops me. "Hey flynn" Booker questions as he walks up to me leaving a gap between us.

"Yeah" I answered looking up at him.
If you actually compared our height differences right now without the shoes like we are now, Booker was actually taller than me by three inches. He's 5'5 while I'm 5'2 so I kinda had to look up at him a bit making me feel short. "I'm sorry about yesterday-" Booker said.
"-And I know that I probably said some mean things but I didn't mean any of it" Booker says as he grabs my left hand. I chuckled softly and shook my head.

"It's fine book, I honestly don't remember what we were arguing about...so don't even sweat it" I stated. Booker face softens from nervous to relieved. "So we're good" He asked. "Yeah we're good" I smiled. "Cool" he murmurs. We locked eyes and time seemed to stop for a second. I glanced at his lips and bit my own.

We both leaned in but I stopped it before we could go any further by putting my free hand on his chest, pushing him back a bit. I pulled both of my hands away and closed my eyes. Booker ran his hand over his now new and faded haircut. "Sorry" He says before grabbing his things. "It's okay" I said.

Booker nods and headed towards his room. Why am I doing this to myself.

Well back to the awkwardness, Again.

Later That Same Morning

7:41 AM

"NIA, FLYNN GET UP YOU TWO ARE LATE FOR SCHOOL" Raven Yells as she opens nia's bedroom door before leaving. Both of the teen girls sat up straight in an instant. "Shit" They both said together before rushing out of bed. The two girls rush to go put on their outfits in different rooms. 

Five minutes later

"Ugh we're going to fail" Nia mumbles while rushing to her vanity mirror for her accessories. "We are not going to fail this project nia and I'll be damn if I stayed up til 1:45 AM just to get an F by mR.dAyEs" Flynn mocked her teacher's name. It only made things worse that Mr.Dayes was their first class of the day and he made them present their project first.

"Shit I can't find my shoes" Flynn huffs. "Catch" Nia says as he throws Flynn's shoes. "Thanks" Flynn says as she quickly says sits down on the edge of Nia's bed placing on her shoes. "No problem" Nia says as she slicks her hair into a low ponytail and placing a green headband on. After they were done with everything, Flynn and Nia rushed out the room to the living room.

"MOM" Nia called out. "COMIN'" Raven yells. A few seconds later Raven came out of the hallway doors. "Okay let's go" Raven says as she grabs her keys. "Okay" Nia says as she opens the door.

"WAIT, Nia, the project, we're forgetting the project" Flynn says in realization. Nia eyes widens and they both run to her room. Nia swung the door open and a loud crash fill the room. Flynn and Nia looked at each other. "Please tell me that was your phone" Flynn says.

"I wish I could say it was" Nia sighed. She closed the door and they both seen a smashed science project.

"F" They both said together.

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