Courage (Leedo)

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I continued to chew on my lips. I was nervous as I looked up the wall. I should climb up there? No way. I wanted to turn around and leave again, but Em's arm around me held me back. And even if I would be able to shake it off – Jacky was guarding my other side. Why had I friends that were so consistent about what I said?

It was maybe a week ago as I stated that even though I was afraid of heights – or rather terrified of it – I would love to try bouldering. Slowly going higher every time to fight those fears. Jacky immediately replied that her boyfriend's friend worked at a boulder hall and would surely love to help us out. And here we stood and I regretted it. Why had I said this?

"Ok, are you ready?", Em asked enthusiastically. I shook my head, causing all of them to grin. Jacky nudged me and said: "You can do it, come on. Try!" I looked at the wall again unsure. Jacky's boyfriend Seoho approached us and laid his arms around her. Then he said: "Don't worry, I told Leedo to come over. Look at him; don't you think you can trust him to take care of you?" He pointed behind us and I turned around.

Ok, that was... something. Seoho's friend was seemingly pretty strong. I eyed him. He looked good. Which didn't change a thing though; I still had this huge wall in front of me and felt stunned only looking at it. Leedo smiled as he came over and then eyed at me, saying: "You are the one trying to get over her fear?" I nodded: "How do you know?" "You look the most scared here." In his eyes I could see warmth and compassion. I felt a bit better. "Come on, let's gear you up then", he suggested and pointed to where the stuff was. The uneasiness was back again. But my friends wouldn't leave me a choice. Despite me being so tense I was really thankful for them. They knew how important that was for me and therefore didn't let me drop out now.

Leedo explained everything and even though I listened I figured myself not being able to concentrate because this boy's eyes, arms and overall visuals distracted me. And his comforting, deep voice didn't make it any better. Then I changed into the safety gear and we went over to the wall again. I was about to run out of this place. "Don't worry", I suddenly heard Leedo's voice. I flinched a bit and turned to him. "Sorry", he smiled, "But trust me – I got you. And think about how great you will feel achieving this. I am sure you'll make progress today. I must say – I am impressed that you even think about doing this. Fighting one's fears is something very brave." His voice and the look in his eyes had something that made me calm down. Before knowing why or what I did, I hugged him. He was probably a bit confused at first but then hugged me back. We stood like this for some seconds before I let him go again. I cleared my throat and felt my cheeks blushing. "Thank you...", I whispered, unable to look into his eyes. Then I investigated the wall again and added an unsure: "Let's try this..."

Just like planned I tried to climb a bit higher every time. First it was two meters but for every new trial we added half a or a whole meter. When I went down again, Leedo caught me and I felt safe knowing that he was the one securing me. Even when I was high up and almost stunned again, I knew that nothing could happen to me for I was secured and had him standing down there to make sure everything was fine. And rationally speaking – it was clear to see that he was the strongest around, so I trusted him fully, thinking about everyone else trusted their back-ups.

Then the time came and I went for the midway spot – 7 meter above the ground. It took us long enough – and some encouragement – to get me there, but somehow I managed it. When I went down again, I felt incredibly proud, even more when I heard my friend's cheers, welcoming me. Leedo caught me like usually and this time it felt like his arms rested around me a bit longer. He whispered: "Wow. I am proud of you." I blushed and then turned around to my friends who already were full of congratulations. After everyone went silent again, we looked at the clock. 4pm. Still some time left, so we tried to get me up even higher. But it seemed like I wouldn't overcome this mark. Going only a little higher made me feel so uneasy that I couldn't continue, even though I didn't look down. My friends all were very proud of me already anyways and comforted me as I felt frustrated to not be able to overcome this. They told me I wouldn't have to and that it was ok. At least I tried and if I wanted to, we could either repeat this another day or let it be. They would support my every decision in this. I promised to think about it. We then decided to finish this day of in our favourite bar, celebrating at least the progress I made. Altogether. Which also included Leedo, of course.

We had a really good evening with lots of laughter and good talks. I already felt a strong attraction towards Leedo when we said our goodbyes, so I didn't mind when he asked me if I would need company on my way home. We talked a lot and I figured that we were on the same wavelength. I enjoyed the time with him so much that I was sad when we reached my home. A bit awkward we now stood in front of the door, looking on the floor. "Uhm, so...", he began, "Again... I am very impressed by you. I strive to be this brave." "I feel like you are pretty brave already", I answered honestly. He shrugged his shoulders. Then he looked straight into my eyes with an intensity that almost scared me again. "I will be brave this time at least", he said. What did he mean? He asked: "We only know each other one day. So... Would you give me the chance to get to know you better by going on a date with me?" I was a bit surprised but felt a big grin creeping on my face as I blushed and answered: "Definitely!" He grinned back and I caught myself thinking that mustering up courage always was a good thing to do, even if it didn't always work out perfectly. Life was always a surprise and who knows where it would lead us when we tried and got out of our comfort zone? I guess it is always worth a try...

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