25 Roses (Hui)

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„Excuse me?", I suddenly heard. I jumped and therefore hit my head on the counter. Darn it. Suppressing a slight curse, I just answered: "Just a second" and crawled back from under the counter. I got onto my feet again, meeting eyes with a young man, probably around my age and immediately forgot about my aching head as I saw his shy smile and warm eyes. I cleared my throat and pointed to where I was coming from, trying to explain myself: "I just- I dropped my scissors and then... Uhm. Anyway... How can I help you?" He laughed a soft laugh and I blushed. "I hope it didn't hurt too bad?", he asked. I shook my head: "All good." "That's good then." "Sooo... What can I do for you?" "I would like to buy a bouquet of 25 roses, please", he smiled. "Of course", I smiled politely. Seems like those eyes already were looking at somebody else with love in them, I realized, indeed a bit sad and turned to get the flowers. "It's for my parent's wedding anniversary", he went on in a casual chatting tone. "It's 25 years today", he explained. "Oh, that's nice", I smiled widely. Maybe there still was a chance. "It's kind of a tradition", he shrugged. We chatted a bit while I made the bouquet for him and once I handed it over, we both stood there, looking at each other shyly as if we both wanted to say something, yet didn't really dare to. "Well... Bye then", he suddenly said. I nodded helplessly. "Bye then", I gave back, internally mad at myself for not asking him to go get a coffee together one day. I just hoped he would return. And that it wouldn't be too late then.

I sat in my living room and zapped through the TV channels bored as suddenly I heard a loud noise from outside. I threw the remote control aside, jumped up and hurried over to my window. I gasped as I saw a car practically parking in the middle of my front garden. "What the...?", I mumbled to myself and decided to go out to check if everything was okay. Once I was out, I already saw two guys standing there, looking at the mess. "Is everything alright?", I asked and they flinched. As they turned around, my eyes widened. One of them was the handsome young man who had been to the flower shop a few days ago. The one I should have asked out. He recognized me as well. "I-I'm sorry", the other one began to stutter, "I just... I..." His friend put his arm around the other one's shoulder. "Kino is a beginner and there was a cat on the road he avoided", he confessed. "If it's only the front garden, that's no problem", I smiled forgivingly, "But are you alright?" "Yes, we are", he answered. "That's a relief", I smiled and for no apparent reason blushed as he smiled back. "We'll surely reimburse you for that", Kino said nervously. I waved it off. "Wanted to re-do that anyway", I reassured him, "And you just gave me the motivation to do so. And I'm getting a discount on plants, after all." "Then let me buy you a coffee at least", the handsome young man suggested, "Please." I smiled foolishly. "Okay", I said happily. His face lit up. "I'm Hui by the way", he said and held out his hand. "Katy", I gave back and shook it.

--- 30 years later ---

I dozed off, my head lying on his chest while he stroke my back gently. "Good morning", he mumbled as he realized I was awake. "Morning, love", I gave back sleepily. "Happy Anniversary", he chuckled. I shifted to look into his eyes. "To you too", I smiled. He kissed my forehead and just as I was about to say more, a shout from downstairs tore apart the silence. "Mooooom! Daaaaaad! I am late for school, can you guys drive me?" I sighed. Hui laughed his lovely soft laugh. "She's your daughter", I announced and let my head fall back on his chest, "Totally your daughter. I am never late." "But she has your heart of gold. She's as much your daughter as she is mine", he gave back. "I would love to talk back to this, but I can't", I confessed and sat up. "Let's go together", he suggested, "And on our way back we could stop by at a coffee. Let's make this a lazy day." "Sounds perfect", I smiled.

We found Laura in the kitchen. But not only her. I didn't believe my eyes as I saw the big bouquet of roses on the breakfast table. Alongside actual breakfast. "Exactly 25", she smiled proudly, "Happy 25-year-wedding anniversary. Your colleagues at the flower shop helped me, mum. Enjoy your day, I'll get picked up in a second by Jenny. See you later, love you two!" She blew us flying kisses, picked up her bag, rushed past us and outside the house. "Now, no discussion, she is totally your daughter!", I laughed and turned to my husband. "Even more interesting – I didn't tell her about it", he said in confusion. "But I did once. She recently asked how we even met. She must have remembered that." "In that case, she has your memory", he chuckled. "Happy Anniversary", he then smiled and cupped my cheeks. "You already said that, Mr. memory of a goldfish", I teased him. "Well, again", he laughed softly and kissed me.

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