Muffins (Kanghyun)

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I dozed off, enjoying the warm rays of sun. It was one of those last days of summer and I wanted to make full use of those. I lay on a wall within a vast garden, my book on my chest after I finished it. The garden I was in was actually forbidden to enter since the building it belonged to got abandoned. I didn't care. Rarely anyone ever checked this place, after all. At least not out of schedule. And not from the side I entered. I heard a noise beside me and lazily opened my eye to find my dog Muffin playing with a branch. I smiled endeared and closed my eye again.

I almost was asleep as I heard yet another noise. I listened closer, realizing that it can't possibly be my dog. Those were steps. I immediately got up to hide behind the wall, looking around carefully. Then I saw him coming: A young man. I didn't know him. This was a small town, yet I could swear I never saw him my whole life. What did he want here? He was too young to actually be a possible customer for the house. And the way he looked around made me sure that he also wasn't permitted to come here in the first place. That means no danger, I told myself and climbed up the wall again, my feet dangling in the air. I waited until he was a bit closer. He hadn't seen me yet, so I decided to help him find me.

"Hey you", I shouted over to him. He flinched, spinning around surprised. I grinned widely. "What do you think you're doing here, huh? It's forbidden to come here for strangers like you", I said. "I don't - I... Uhm... I am-", he stuttered confused and then cleared his throat. I could see his brain working at full capacity. I tilted my head and decided to give him some time to think. "My dog ran away and I am searching for him", he then said. I raised an eyebrow. Interesting apology. "Oh, that Retriever?", I asked innocently, "I thought I saw one passing by earlier." "You... You saw it?", he wanted to know nervously. Yes, I saw a dog, but it definitely wasn't his. I nodded. "Maybe try whistling for it", I grinned. I was actually confused myself where Muffin could have gone. "Uh... Yeah, that's a good idea, I reckon", he mumbled helplessly. If this wouldn't have been so much fun, I would have pitied him.

He whistled and indeed - my dog came running after a few seconds. It stopped slightly confused as it saw both of us. "Aww, that's a cute dog", I went on with my theatre, "It looks like a muffin." The retriever perked his ears and looked at me. "No way, is that its name?", I pretended, "Hey, come here Muffin! Come here." Obedient as ever, it galloped over. "I guess so...", the guy mumbled barely audible. "It's really cute", I repeated and jumped down the wall to pet my dog, whispering a command to it. Immediately, Muffin ran towards the guy, tail wiggling and seemingly just happy. I chuckled. "Alright, I think that's your sign to go leave", I shrugged, "Have a nice day." I climbed up the wall and lay down again, closing my eyes. It was the only way I could prevent bursting into laughter upon his helpless look. "Uhm... Yeah, you too", he answered, "Come on... M-Muffin. Let's go." I grinned and opened one eye. My dog looked at me puzzled and I decided that it was enough. "Ey, you", I shouted, making the guy flinch yet again. "Before you go", I went on, "May I have my dog back?" The guy's eyes widened and he blushed. I burst out laughing and jumped down the wall, approaching him.

"I'm really sorry for doing that", I smiled apologetically before he could gather his thoughts back together fully, "But it was too tempting." He took a deep breath and then shrugged. "It's okay, I guess", he said. "I'm Katy", I introduced myself and held out my hand. "Kanghyun", he answered and shook it. "So, why are you really here?", I wanted to know. "I saw your dog running into the garden and got curious cause I heard this place is actually abandoned." "So Muffin is the culprit?", I chuckled and petted the Retriever. "Kinda", he shrugged. "Well, for doing what I just did, I guess I am okay with sharing my secret escape place with you. Feel free to come again if you can forgive me", I winked at him, "But I gotta say - I have never seen you in this town Where do you belong to?" "Oh, we are new around. We moved here last week", he answered shyly. "That explains it", I thought out loud, "Hey, then how about I show you around a bit? We should leave soon anyways. They do a control on the whole garden in about half an hour and I should better be out by then. Getting caught once is enough already." I smirked and Kanghyun tilted his head. "Should have known you also aren't allowed to be here." I laughed softly and nodded. "Well. Shall we go get some real muffins? I'll owe you after all", I suggested. "Sounds good", he smiled and together we set off.

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