Jealousy (Yunho)

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I still don't know how I came to be one of the supervisors of this kid's holiday camp. Every day the parents would drop of their children here and pick them up again in the evening. And I was one of the ones responsible. How? I didn't even want to be here actually. But my parents wouldn't stop talking about how I wasted my holidays with doing nothing instead of making some money and gathering work experience. So, just for the sake of it, I applied for this, deeply convinced I wouldn't make it. But here I am.

To my surprise though, I started to like the work. I mean – I was still glad that I could wave the kids goodbye at the end of the day, but it was kind of fun. There was this little guy Gunho that liked me from the start and even I grew attached to him. Right now, he was sitting opposite of me while we were waiting for his parents to come and pick him up. I was pretty surprised as somebody else came instead and claimed to be this boy's brother. Gunho approved of his statement, but I still had to have reassurance before letting them leave together. I inspected the tall male in front of me. Handsome, no doubt. Somehow a look-alike to the child, but still... I led them over to my boss and explained everything. After she herself had reassured it as well, they could finally leave. I hugged the smaller one and politely said my goodbyes to his older brother, apologizing for the time wasted to make sure he was alright and not some kind of criminal. He laughed it off with a beautiful and infectious laugh. Afterwards, I watched them leave and a small smile spread across my face as I saw how they joked around.

The next day, the two of them came back together and it also was the brother who picked him up at the end of the day. It went on like this for quite a while and every now and then I would find myself talking to the older guy. His name was Yunho and he was around my age, I figured. He and his younger brother were really close and I found him to be a really nice and caring older brother. His good looks only added up to this and I started to get all shy when he came by because of the attraction I started to feel towards him.

On the last day of the holiday camp, Gunho refused to leave. He didn't want to lose me as his new friend and my eyes teared up upon hearing that. I promised him that we would meet again for sure even though I didn't know how and when. But before I could think about it further, his brother spoke up: "How about that: We will invite your new friend over for some ice cream tomorrow. But today you will have to come with me then." Gunho looked at me with big eyes: "Will you come?" I tried not to think about the fact that Yunho would be there too and promised him to be there. Shyly I looked at the taller one: "I just have to know where and when." He smiled at me softly and told me the address, stating that they would be at home the whole day, so I could just come by whenever.

The next day I regretted agreeing. I was a nervous mess, just as messy as my room which was splattered with clothes because I couldn't decide what to wear. But then I told myself to not dress up for Yunho but for me. If he liked me, he has to like my usual style as well. Taking a deep breath, I rang their door bell a few minutes later. My heart stopped for a second as a widely smiling Yunho opened. "Hi", he simply said but I forgot how to form words just because of that. Luckily, Gunho already had figured that it was me in front of the door and before I got the chance to get my thoughts straight, he took me by the hand and led me inside. After giving me a full tour of the house, we met Yunho again who was sitting on their couch, smiling lovely at his brother. "Can we get some ice cream now?", the younger one asked excitedly. "Sure", the other one answered and got up. He looked way too good in his casual white shirt and jeans... I decided to focus on Gunho before starting to drool.

The whole way there, my little friend held my hand and only let go as he received his ice cream cone. We walked around the park and Gunho didn't stop babbling. I was relieved he did so. It distracted me from the gorgeous guy right next to me. Back at home we played until it got late and the little one had go to bed. When I wanted to say goodbye, I had to promise him to visit him again. Yunho helped me into my jacket and before I could protest, he grabbed some car keys and stated: "I'll drive you home." "Oh, uhm... It's ok, I can walk...It's not far anyways", I stuttered. "No way I will let a beautiful young lady walk around on her own at this time", he smiled at me and I blushed. "Okay then", I mumbled.

In the short time of driving, Yunho somehow managed to wipe away my nervousness. He was so funny and understanding, caring and gentle that I found myself to be very comfortable around him. In front of my home, he even opened the car door for me while I was struggling to unbuckle myself. Then he accompanied me to my door. Now we stood in front of it and it got awkward again. "Alright...", I filled the upcoming silence, "Goodbye then... Til next time..." It sounded more like a question than a statement. I myself figured how it had a subtle tone of "How can I say what I actually wanna say?" "Before you go...", Yunho said and expectingly I looked up, "I... How about... Well, see, I was actually pretty jealous today." All I could get out was a confused: "Huh?" "Well, my little brother got visited by a beautiful young woman and manged to hold her hand the whole time. She was fully focused on only him and all I could do was being an observer. She even promised to visit Gunho again while I... I would like her to actually visit me one time. And... maybe... maybe also hold my hand then?" He blushed but bravely maintained the eye contact. I blushed as well and then answered: "Well... I think that young woman would love to also get to know the older brother better." He smiled relived as he understood what I said. "That sounds wonderful!", he exclaimed enthusiastically and I had to laugh. "How about exchanging numbers then?", I suggested. We did. Afterwards, we really said our goodbyes and as he turned around, I still stood in front of my door frozen, kind of distracted by his broad back. And suddenly, he turned around again and hugged me tightly. "Bye", he whispered and blew a kiss on my cheek before getting back to the car for real. "Bye", I said after he already shut the car's door. And I hated to admit it, but by now I actually was very thankful for my parents to make me work these holidays.

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