Raspberry lips (Wooyoung)

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I sighed theatrically, knowing very well that it was heard inside. I sat on the balcony and waited for my boyfriend who once again wasn't ready in time for our date. "Don't stress me, you are the one way too early once again", he answered. I could hear his grin. "Well, I wanted to see my lovely boyfriend so bad, who can really blame me?", I said innocently. He laughed and then answered: "I can't. I missed you too." I smiled upon his words. It wasn't always easy dating an idol. Things that were completely normal in a relationship were pretty much luxury in ours. Like going out on a normal date without anyone knowing him. Or privacy. But I loved Wooyoung. And he loved me. We just wanted to be together, no matter the costs. And I would say, we managed all that pretty well.

"Okay, done", he interrupted my thoughts and pulled me up from my chair, "Let's go." I raised an eyebrow: "Go? Where to?" "Surprise", he smiled and led me inside. Picking up his bag, we left the boys' dorm. A few minutes later, we sat in a car and I slowly figured where we were headed to. "Wooyoung?" "Hmm?" "Isn't that the way to your company?" "Maybe." "We are having a date; you better tell me you are not thinking of working today!", I pouted. He grinned and kissed my cheek. "Don't worry, baby", he assured me, "Whenever I have the chance to see you again, I am not thinking of wasting one single second of our precious time." "You better", I murmured while blushing. He definitely had that certain kind of charm to him that never failed to make me flustered.

A bit later we indeed stood in front of the company. "Don't say anything, just trust me", my boyfriend said as he saw my doubtful expression. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't have a chance, did I? Shyly I greeted the people who were crossing paths with us, glad about Wooyoung's arm wrapped around my waist to give my shaky legs some support. I was quite timid, especially when running around at his company and he knew. However, I soon figured out where he was taking me to. Not that it was that hard. "It's the rooftop, ain't it?", I asked him. "You really are smart, sweetheart", Wooyoung smirked and I jokingly poked him.

When the elevator's door opened, I could see the whole city. "Wow", I gasped and took a step outside. They had decorated it very nicely here. Some benches were set up and even smaller flower beds made it look like a tiny park. I turned around to my boyfriend and looked at him mesmerized. "It's beautiful", I smiled and he nodded. "Almost as beautiful as you", he grinned and kissed me. "Mmmh, tastes good", he winked as he pulled away. I rolled my eyes and laughed as he pulled me over to a table and sat me down. I turned towards the warm sun and closed my eyes. Life was perfect right now.

"Katy? Are you sleeping?", Wooyoung's voice interrupted my mediation some minutes later. I laid my head down on the table as he had started to play some music on his phone. Lazily I murmured: "Just enjoying life." "Does that mean I can eat all the food alone?" I jolted upwards. "Food?", I asked enthusiastically. He laughed and nodded. I looked around. Wooyoung set up a whole picnic. Fruits were carefully cut in different shapes and the sandwiches were most likely self-made. He even brought some cake. My eyes widened. That's why he had taken the bag with him! Usually, I carried both our stuff around. "You are incredible", I whispered. "Help yourself", he laughed again and I immediately dug in. Even if it wasn't hot food - Wooyoung was still the best cook I've ever crossed paths with. And enjoying the meal together while fooling around made it only tastier.

After a few hours of eating, talking, joking and even dancing, I leaned against him and watched the sun set. "I love dating you", I sighed. "Leave the word dating out next time", he chuckled. "Okay", I grinned. "Hey, Katy, do you have lip balm by any chance?", he asked. I nodded and pointed to my bag, too lazy to reach there. He got it out and I snatched it from him, applying it first. "Hey, that was mean", he scolded me jokingly. I shrugged my shoulders. "In that case...", he continued, "I might have to steal it back from you." He leaned forward, but I put a finger on his mouth, laughing. "Don't you dare making lip balm your excuse for kissing me." He pretened to think and then answered: "But it is the raspberry lip balm. You know I love that taste." I rolled my eyes and smiled at him. "Okay", he finally admitted, "Maybe you taste even better." I blushed as he took my hands and pulled me over before sealing my lips with his. Yep. Life was perfect.

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