New Year's Resolutions (Chiwoo)

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I squeezed my books closer, trying to not lose one of them as I walked along the university's hallway. I sighed internally as I realized the door to the stairs was closed. "Darn it", I mumbled. I didn't want to put the books down just to open the door, but I also couldn't do that if I wasn't planning on doing acrobatics with a high chance of failure today. Before I could decide however, somebody emerged from behind me and opened the door, looking at me expectantly as I watched the scene perplexed. "Are you planning on passing through or aren't you?", he chuckled softly and I blushed. "Thanks", I muttered and rushed him by. He grinned lovingly. As I reached the first step of the stairs, he shouted after me once more: "Hey. Do you wanna go out with me?" I almost tripped over my own feet as he said that. I spun around and looked at him in the utmost disbelief. "Sorry?", I asked. This must be a joke. "Do you wanna go out with me?", he repeated, looking unbelievably sincere. I stared at him until he continued to speak. "I am not crazy", he laughed softly, "I just made it my new year's resolution to ask out the first lovely girl I see." I raised an eyebrow. Not crazy, huh? "What if I just murdered a professor and am trying to run away now?", I opposed. That sounded much more convincing in my head. His grin grew wider. "Are you?", he asked. "Who knows?", I gave back. "Well, first: You wouldn't have told me in this case. Second: You don't seem like you are. Third: If you really did something like this, I might just visit you in prison. I've never been to a date there." I blinked confused. He was stubborn. For a second, I asked myself if I was dreaming but no. If it was, my arms wouldn't hurt that much from carrying the books for quite some time now. I decided to balance them on the railway and put my one now free hand onto my hip.

"Ok, let's say I would be a completely normal girl - Why should you ask me out? And even more important: Why should I agree?", I asked him in a challenging way. "Because", he said and approached me, taking the books out of my hands, "You are pretty and have a good taste in books. A science nerd with an interest in poems can't be boring. That's it for the first question." I blushed as I scanned through the book titles again: Books about biology, astronomy and math hid the one book that didn't suit in there - old English poetry - quite well actually. Yet, he saw the book. "And second: Why not? I am not a creep, I promise. And don't you want to help me out with my new year's resolutions? It's one I really wanna keep. How rare is that? Besides, I am stubborn, you know? Now, where shall I bring the books to?" "Nowhere", I said and took them back. "Then at least go out with me", he pouted. I rolled my eyes. "If you insist that much", I sighed, "When and where?" His face lit up again. "3pm at the café around the corner?", he suggested. "Sure", I shrugged. Then, I turned around and wanted to leave as I remembered something. I turned back and he looked at me expectantly. "Can I know your name before I go out with you?" He chuckled. "Chiwoo", he introduced himself and I nodded. "Katy", I answered and then rushed upstairs. I was late for my lecture already anyways. "See you later, Katy", he yelled after me.

Right on time, I opened the door to the café and looked around. As Chiwoo saw me, a smile spread across his face and he waved me. I couldn't help but smile back as I sat down. "Hi again", he said and I greeted him back. "Thanks for not letting me wait for my date", he smirked and my eyes widened. "Woah, stop right there", I instructed him, "This ain't a date. One step at a time, you hear?" He chuckled lightly. "Sure, whatever you say, darling", he answered and I was close to scolding him again as the waiter approached us and placed a two cups of hot chocolate in front of both of us. "Thanks", I stuttered confused, making Chiwoo laugh even more. "I dared to order for both of us", he said proudly. I squinted my eyes. "That is not something I am very fond of", I declared and then turned my gaze to the drink in front of me, "But I accept for now." He grinned. "Sorry", he said, "It's my first date." I almost choked on my first sip. "Not. A. Date.", I repeated. He still grinned. "But if it would, then same", I confessed. "Really? A cute girl like you?" "I am not cute." "You are." "Am not." "Are definitely. Especially when pouting like this." He poked my cheek and I hissed as I hit his hand away. Okay, this was going nowhere. I leaned back and inspected him. He was good-looking, even though I hated to admit it. I decided to change topic.

"Are you always like this?", I asked. "What do you mean?", he asked back. "Flirty, asking people out you don't know et cetera." "Does it matter that much to you? It seems like you don't want to repeat this anyways." "Well, in a way you're right. I don't want to date guys who flirt with everyone." "Then no, I am not like this." "Unfortunately, I also don't want to date guys who don't stand their ground." "Good thing I was being honest then." I eyed him, trying to figure out the truth behind his words. This was no use either. Time for another strategy. "I don't like English poetry. I just have the book to use it as a potholder", I stated, watching his reaction. He grinned. Again. "You don't", he then answers softly. "You're right, I don't", I sighed, "But I do not like coffee. I am a person who is very moody sometimes, especially when being under stress and I do talk a lot in the morning. If not eating enough, I will be like the Hulk and I can be annoyingly hung up on perfection. And don't dare to talk to my while I am reading." "Are you trying to scare me away?", he asked, almost outragingly calm. I sighed. "It seems like it's no use anyways", I confessed and he laughed softly. "I am pretty stubborn, remember?", he replied, "And apart from that - Show me a person that is perfect. There is literally nobody out there. So why should I expect it from you?" Somehow, his words made me blush. That had been pretty sweet of him.

"However, out of fairness reasons, let me reveal myself to you as well", he continued, "I like to play video games which can sometimes consume a lot of my time. I am lazy when it comes to studying to a point it annoys people around me. I can be really weird if I want to or even if I don't and will do imitations out of literally nowhere every now and then. And sometimes I need someone to calm me down again when I am being too hyped. That's it for now. I'll tell you when I remember more. Or when I think you're capable of getting to know me better." He smiled shyly. That probably took him some courage. But it also made me decide that maybe I should indeed give him a chance. Despite my caution - which I would probably keep up still - he seemed to be some quite enjoyable company. I met worse at least. And maybe, I thought to myself, just maybe, knowing each other's weaknesses even before the strengths was a rather solid foundation for whatever could evolve from this. "Okay", you nod, "Let's start over again, what do you think? Hi. I'm Katy. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand to him. First, he looked at me confused, but then he chuckled and took my hand. "I'm Chiwoo", he smiled, "Nice to meet you, too." Holding my hand longer than somebody normally does, I blushed again which made him chuckle. And this time, I decided to join in. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?", he asked and like this we started a real conversation. And in the end, it had been a really good "first date".

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