Locked out (Minhyuk)

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„Shit, shit, shit!", I sweared. Sending a few other, even worse explicits after those first three, I kicked against the door. Then I let myself sink to the floor sighing. Could this day really get worse? It was my first day at college. Apart from missing my friends and family, being kind of scared of what would come at me, I also had forgotten my toothbrush. So, I had to get myself one and my roommate had promised me to wait for me, so I didn't take along my keycard. It was pouring down outside and I was wet to the bones. And now, she had left for a party without giving me the chance to get back into our dorm again. I was away only for ten minutes or so! And I can't just run around asking for a shelter for the night now! Because even though I didn't really know her yet, I was almost certain, she wouldn't return before the next morning. Or if – she wouldn't be alone. I wasn't happy with either outcome, to be honest.

"Need help?", I heard a voice. Lifting my head up from my hands, I looked into a face. A very familiar face actually. "Minhyuk?", I asked in disbelief. What in the world was my highschool-crush doing here? My eyes scanned him only to get locked on his torso. He had the audacity to wear a button-up shirt like the buttons were only decoration and not meant to be closed. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. Why was he here? He always said, he didn't want to go to college, didn't he...? "Katy? Nice to see you. At least one familiar face", he said. I had to force myself to look back up into his eyes and saw him smiling softly. I returned it and he stepped out his room to offer me a hand. After getting up, he grinned at me: "So, what happened?" I explained everything, cursing myself for being so stupid. It was really embarrassing to tell this whole story to my crush... But it also was just so typically me... I ended and he just laughed. "Well, that's an adventure. I reckon, you could need somewhere to stay for now?" He looked up and down my body and added: "And maybe a hot shower and some fresh clothes wouldn't do any harm as well? We don't want you sick, do we?" I blushed. I would have to repay him for being so nice. I brushed my first thoughts of how to do that aside and tried to concentrate on the fact that he was probably just being polite. He always had been a real gentleman. What was interesting about that was that he wasn't only really nice, he also was a perfect 10 out of 10 and yet still was single since I know him.

However, my thoughts stopped immediately as he put his arm around me and I quite literally stumbled into his room, not falling only because of his support. His side looked nice with decent decoration and at least for now it was still rather tidy. Well, it was still the first day of college so what else would I have expected? He placed me on his bed as I was still taking in the sight – desperately trying to not think about or look at his abs or chest. Then he rummaged around in his closet and suddenly threw me something over. I caught it and looked at it confused. He chuckled and explained: "The shower is over there and those are some of my clothes that could fit you. Seriously, try to not get sick already. It would be a pity." I blushed and thanked him. I disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door behind me. Leaning against it, I needed about one minute to finally regain my composure again and calm my heart down. Just behind the door Minhyuk was waiting for me. I sighed and shook my head. Minhyuk. What a coincidence.

After refreshing myself, I took a deep breath to brace myself. Bad idea, I figured. I got a nose full of his scent that was descending from his clothes. I shook my head. Get your shit together! I left the bathroom and found him lying on his bed, playing games on his phone. He looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back immediately. Gosh, I would be lying if I would say he wouldn't have a certain impact on me. "Thanks again", I muttered shyly and looked away to not get lost in his beautiful eyes. My sight caught the other bed and I furrowed my brows. "Where's your roommate?", I asked curiously. "Eunkwang?", he shrugged his shoulders, "He wanted to go to the party. Not planning on coming home soon. Maybe he will go with his girlfriend afterwards. She has a single apartment." I nodded slowly. "If you're roommate doesn't come back soon, you can crush here, of course." I nodded thankfully, still standing around awkwardly. There was only one chair and it was filled with some clothes, I didn't know who they belonged to. I didn't want to intrude Eunkwang's privacy by occupying his bed but sitting down next to Minhyuk seemed... dangerous to say the least. But before I could decide on what to do, he smiled at me and patted on the bed next to him: "Come on, no need to be shy. Sit down." A bit unsure, I strolled over and carefully sat down. I fiddled around with my hands nervously. He laughed and took one of them, holding it tight between his. "You're making me even more nervous", he grinned. Surprised, I looked up: "Even more?" "Your whole appearance makes me nervous", he confessed, now suddenly a bit shy as well. My eyes widened. Huh? I tilted my head, looking at him in disbelief. He chuckled again: "You're too cute, seriously." I blushed and couldn't help but to smile at him. "Thanks", I screeched, my voice failing to do its job right. My face reddened even more.

He laughed again and lifted my chin, eyes looking deeply into mine. "Gosh, I always knew I liked you, but I would be lying if I'd say you would be only a crush of mine", he sighed thoughtlessly. His eyes wandered over my face and got focused on my lips. I was taken aback by his sudden confession. I never realized that. I mean – He was the one every girl was after. I think. I never really paid attention to them that much when he was around. And I was just... Well, I was a girl admired by some boys, but usually I didn't get a lot of attention. Not that I wasn't beautiful, I was just the typical outsider. Cliché, isn't it? "Can I kiss you?", he suddenly asked. What? My mind stopped and I couldn't form a normal thought anymore. But right then, my heart took over. Before being able to stop myself, I nodded. Hold on, was this real? I thought I left him behind as a highschool-memory It was my first day at college and – He kissed me. My thoughts stopped again. Minhyuk. Kissed. Me. Way too soon, he pulled back, face as red as I suppose mine to be. "I have to thank my roommate for locking me out later on", I grinned widely. He laughed at my comment and said: "Me too", before leaning in for another kiss.

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