Fireworks (Jungkook)

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I watched another firework climb into the sky, flinching a bit as it exploded. Jungkook pulled me closer. "There is really no need to be scared, sweetheart", he said softly. "I am already closer to those things than usually", I pouted, "I just had a bad experience, give me time." "All the time you need", he answered and kissed the crown of my head. I hugged him tighter and watched the others. Our little vacation in the middle of the forest was almost over and we did have a party tonight already. Anyone could tell.

Robyn was running around, probably greeting every living being that crossed her path, be it one of us, be it an animal, be it a plant. She was clearly drunk. Hobi meanwhile followed her close behind, making sure she was alright. When his girlfriend didn't find someone to greet she probably told him a lot about astrology - a topic that not only fascinated her. My eyes wandered over to Suga, sitting at the camper van, immersed in composing, and from there on to Miri. She leaned against Jimin and looked at the firework with big eyes. "Look, those are my favourites", she just shouted. It wasn't the first time for her to say this and her boyfriend chuckled softly, resting his head on her shoulder to whisper something into her ear that made her blush. Jin came into my sight, running around and jumping up and down like a little kid, his girlfriend quietly watching him while smiling softly. I did so too, trying to see if I could find the rest. Em and Joon were probably reading in the main house's lounge. As for Leo and Tae - They had been watching beforehand and then went into their room. I decided to stop my mind from guessing what they were doing now.

Instead I looked up at Jungkook and saw that typical glimpse in his eyes. I realized that he had stopped stroking my back because of his asthonisment. His big doe eyes watched every firework in awe. I chuckled and nudged him which made him look at me. "Go ahead, join them", I smiled. "But what about you?", he asked surprised. I shrugged: "I am fine. Somebody should look after Bam as well." "You sure?", he asked again. I nodded: "Go already, you love this after all." A big smile spread on his face and he bent down to give me a short kiss. "You're the best, I love you and thank you", he said before hurrying away. I laughed and set off towards our room.

Bam already greeted me enthusiatically and we settled down on the couch, the big dog lying down on my lap and sighing deeply and satisfied while I petted him, both of us waiting for Jungkook. When he entered, Bam jumped up and ran towards him, his tail wiggling. "Yay, Daddy's back", I imitated what Bam probably would say, my slightly tipsy brain not processing what I just had said. I only realized it at Jungkook's teasing smirk. I blushed and got up rushingly and went over to the sink. I should probably drink some water. I heard Jungkook coming closer. He hugged me from behind, placing his head on my shoulder and gently swaying both of us from left to right and back. "Baby?", he asked. "Hmm?", I replied while leaning on to him. "You do want to have kids one day, don't you?" "I do, one day when we both have enough time to have kids." "Sooo...", he began and blew a kiss on my neck. I tilted my head automatically so he could reach it better which earned me a soft chuckle. "Shouldn't we exercise for it beforehand?", he then asked, continuing to kiss my neck, slowly wandering from my ear down to my collarbones. "We already raise a dog, what more do you want?", I asked back, eyes closed. I got what he indicated yet I loved to tease him. "Not that part, honey. The one before that", he explained. "Giving birth?", I wanted to know, looking at him jokingly shocked. He rolled his eyes and turned me around again, going on to discover every inch of my neck's skin with his lips. It was hard to resist him but I didn't want to give in just yet. He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get it which meant for me that I didn't have to make it even easier for him. "Come on", he interrupted my thoughts, his soft lips wandering up to my ears again. "You know exactly what I mean", he then whispered, sending shivers down my spine. I pushed him away. "And what about Bam?", I asked with raised eyebrow. "Weeeee... could put him in his house?" "Yet he is still right next to the bed." "The couch is big enough. And it looks quite comfy, don't you think?" I turned around and wrapped my arms around him. "Maybe?", I said, got on my tiptoes and kissed him shortly before going back to the couch to cuddle with Bam.

I woke up from his alarm. The guy behind me wouldn't budge, so I decided to get up and feed Bam this time. I got pulled back immediately. "I'll go", Jungkook mumbled into my neck. "Obviously", I answered ironically. Then I turned around and kissed his nose. "It's all good, I'll do it and then I'll come back to you, deal?", I suggested. He glimpsed at me with half open eyes before muttering a low and clearly tired "Okay." When I got up, I almost fell down from the couch. "Aish", I complained, "Comfy yes. But I grew used to the big bed too fast." He just chuckled. After feeding Bam, I went back to Jungkook and we cuddled for a bit longer.

About an hour later, we decided to get up. I went to the bathroom to get ready when I saw something in the mirror. "Jeon Jungkook!", I exclaimed, coming back out and looking at him reproachfully. "Come on, they are barely to be seen", he grinned. I raised an eyebrow. "Just wear your bandana like a scarf as usually", he shrugged. "In summer?", I asked in disbelief. He nodded. I let my head sink in my hands, in disbelief. But not really mad. After all, I should have known. "Well. May the others know", I sighed. "I love you, baby but that's for teasing me yesterday", he chuckled and I looked at him through my fingers. "Sounds fair", I gave in and let my hands drop to instead hug him. "You're an idiot, Jeon Jungkook", I mumbled instead, "But I love that you're my idiot." He kissed the crown of my head. "I wouldn't want it any other way", he whispered.

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