Puppy eyes (Hyunjae)

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I took a deep breath. Headache. I hated it. Still, I had to go to work today. Sighing, I opened the door. "Good morning, Katy", my colleague greeted me right away and I smiled back. I couldn't stay gloomy whenever she was around. A loud bark welcomed me shortly afterwards. "Hi Andrea, hi loves", I greeted everyone and bowed down to pat one of the dogs. Working in an animal shelter wasn't always a very pleasant job, especially when it came to seeing newly rescued animals who often looked very poor and heartachingly sad. And it was very hard having to let them go after some time. But I loved every single second I was able to spend with those precious friends. Including my colleagues, of course.

"Alright, I gotta go then", Andrea said and got her stuff. Her shift was over and I would do the rest of the day alone. But people rarely came at this time of day anyways, so I didn't expect it to be very stressful. "Have a good evening", I smiled at her. "You too", she wished me, "And in case you need some motivation, I put some sweets inside your locker for you." "Oh, thank you, you are really too nice!", I exclaimed happily. "No need", she grinned and waved me goodbye.

"Now it's only us again, huh?", I said to Elly, the dog whose cage was right next to me. She barked and I laughed. I massaged my sleeves. What now? Actually, everything was done. All that was left for me was welcoming customers, giving the animals their dinner and spend time with them. Alright, let's start with dinner then. I got up at the same time as the door opened. Surprised, I turned around. Like I said, barely anyone came over this late.

I met eyes with two handsome young men. "Hello", I greeted politely, "How can I help?" "Hello. Uhm... We are thinking of adopting a dog", one of them said and smiled shyly. Oh my gosh, his smile was heart-warmingly cute. To hide the blushing, I thought I was feeling, I turned around and motioned them to follow me. "Then, let's see what we can do." We walked along the dog's cages and I explained their characteristics, back-stories and things they needed to know in general. All this time, I felt really flustered by how much attention I got from not only one, but two handsome young men. The first one always had a gentle smile and cute laugh which was very endearing but the second one really got me on another level. His smile was infectious, his eyes were pure like those of a little puppy and he had two cute little moles on his nose and his cheek. While looking so innocent, he actually was quite sassy and made me laugh and his friend feeling embarrassed a lot of times.

After introducing them to all our dogs, I turned to them: "So. Do you by any chance have a few favourites already?" They looked at each other before the one with the puppy eyes looked back at me, grinning widely: "For me, it definitely was that third one. The little Shih Tzu." I smiled knowingly. He was a real sweetheart, making everyone's heart melt. "I agree, He was really cute", the other one nodded approvingly. "Alright, let's go back to her then and get to know him better", I answered and led them all the way back. The little guy already awaited us with excitement and was really curious to meet the two boys once I opened the door of his cage.

It was just too endearing watching them getting familiar with him. The cuddled and played with him while he was all happiness. I stood next to them and observed it. I knew these scenes way too well. I would have to say goodbye to my lovely little pup. Quietly I got a form for them to fill out. When I got back, they were still completely focused on the little dog and I smiled slightly. "I think, it's settled, huh?", I asked and one of them slightly flinched. I chuckled: "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you." "Don't worry", the other guy grinned at me, "Chanhee is just a scaredy-cat." The appointed one pouted slightly and I laughed. "Anyways. You guys will have to fill out that form for me and we can see if and when you can adopt her", I explained them and they nodded. It will be hard letting this cute puppy go.

I went on explaining stuff and answered their questions. I almost forgot about my headache. Until I calculated the approximate costs for an adopted dog. I like maths usually, but whenever I had a headache, my adding skills were just... gone. "So, the dog food is about 20 bugs per month, snack roundabout 10...", I murmured along to my writing in order to not forget anything they would have to think about. When I was about to add everything though, my head told me again that it wouldn't be helpful today in any way. I sighed. "Uuuuhm... In total... In total...", I stuttered, cursing my headache. "456, 75 for the start", Chanhee said and I looked up surprised. "How...?", I began, but got interrupted by the other one: "Scaredy-cat yes. But also a math genius." "Wow. Respect", I said in awe and Chanhee grinned at me while the other guy was signing the form and then handed it back. "Alright, that's done then. We'll call you once we know more, ok?", I said and the two nodded. "Cool. Bye then", I added and they left after saying their goodbyes. I looked down at the form. Hyunjae. So that was the other guy's name!

--- Three months later ---

"Come here, Darong! You got a visitor", Hyunjae yelled and immediately after, a white lightning came running towards the fence. Laughing, I opened the gate and greeted him. "He's been doing really well since he's here", I admitted. Today was my last visit for check-up. We usually helped our customers at the start, showed them what to do and what not. "He still misses you though", Hyunjae said and smiled softly. This damn smile. It got to me even more since I got to know the boys better. I blushed again and sighed. "Well, I will miss him, too", I confessed. It grew silent between us while we both patted the dog. We were too shy to say anything until Hyunjae finally broke the silence: "I... I will miss you too." I looked up surprised. His eyes were focused on the floor as if it would be the most interesting thing ever. "What?", I asked and realized right afterwards how dumb my question was. I cleared my throat and tried again: "We can avoid that though." Now he lifted his head and looked straight into my eyes. Those puppy eyes. "I would love that", he smiled shyly. "Me too", I agreed. "How about getting some ice cream then? Darong needs his walk anyways", he suggested and I grinned widely before nodding enthusiastically. "Let's go then", he said and got up, offering me a hand as well. I grabbed it and he helped me up, refusing to let go afterwards. I didn't mind. "Let's go", I repeated him, smiling sheepishly, and after getting Darong's leash we set off, a happy little dog running after us.

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