Chapter 9. Proud of you my girl

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               I walked back into the room clearly pissed at my men who couldn't even handle a fucking bastard. I walked straight to the bar counter and ordered a drink as I wanted something to take off my anger. 

               As I lifted the glass to my lips, it was snatched away from me. I looked up ready to hit the person breaking all his teeth but I saw my irritating brother standing there with my glass in his right hand. 

               I glared at him and was about to open my mouth when he said "I want you to meet someone." That made me shut my mouth as he never wanted me to meet anyone. I raised an eyebrow asking him to continue. He just looked at me and started walking in some direction. 

               I was left with no choice than to follow him. I tailed behind him and stopped in my track when I saw him stop. "This is my sister, Amelia Lebedev Vladimir" he said moving aside so that whoever was in front can see my face.

               As he stepped aside my eyes made contact with forest green eyes. "Why does it feel like I saw those eyes somewhere. But where?" I asked myself. I saw a smirk forming on his lips but it went away as soon as it came. 

               He extended his hand for me to shake. I gave him my hand. He took mine in his and said "nice to meet you Ms. Vladimir " taking my hand to his lips and pressing a light kiss on it. 

               "Can I have the honor of dancing with the most beautiful girl in this room?" He asked looking very intensely at me. He had black hair, perfectly gelled with perfectly sculptured face. 

               "His lips are so inviting. I wanna know how they feel between my teeth." My subconscious blabbered. "What the hell subconscious? Go back to sleep." I said.

               As he didn't get an answer from me he turned towards my parents to get their approval. They nodded their heads in approval.

               The next moment I realized that I was on the stage dancing with the man who looks similar to someone I met. He looked into my eyes, leaning closer as he asked "what are you thinking love?" And then it hit me that he was none other than Massimo Allegro Romano, the king of Italy. My eyes widened at my realization. I looked at him and said "Mr. Romano?" It came out more like a question.

               "Glad you know me" he said amused but why? As I dug through all the boxes in my brain for his information I remembered the day I splashed wine on his face. If my eyes were wide as large as a football before then now they are as big as the soccer field.

               "Did you seriously splash wine on the most feared mafia man? I am so proud of you my girl." My subconscious said as if we both have different bodies. I can see it patting my back proudly. 

               "Are you seriously here because I ruined your dress that day?" I blabbered out. He looked at me for a second and chuckled. His chuckle made a shiver run down my spine. He turned me around so that my back was facing him. 

               He leaned closer to my ear, his breath fanning my ears making a shudder run down my spine. "No babydoll. I am here for you." He said lightly biting my earlobe.

               "What the hell? Did he just bite me? And did he just call me babydoll? What the hell is wrong with my body? Why isn't it pushing him away?" I had soo many questions that made me utterly confused. I felt him leaning down giving a wet kiss on my neck. 

               I bit my lips, scared that it will make weird sounds. I can feel him smirking. "You will be mine soon love." He said giving another wet kiss on my shoulder and I felt him leaving the floor. I turned around to find no one.

               I came down from the dance floor and went to the restroom for some privacy. Him and his words were so intense that it made me all wet. God what is wrong with me? I never experienced something like this. And his words, they were like a promise. 

               I splashed some water on my face to clear my mind. I looked at myself in the mirror and said "if he thinks that I am an easy target then he is thinking wrong. I am gonna show him what I am if he dares to do something like this again." I said to myself.

               I came out of the restroom to find my brother leaning against the wall. As he saw me coming out, he walked towards me "are you alright Em? You didn't look good while coming here" he asked with concern. "I am alright brother. It's just that parties are tiring" I said. Well not a complete lie. Parties are really exhausting. 

               "Ok then let's go and bid our byes to uncle and aunt and then we can go home" he said. "That's good" I replied yawning. We walked back into the party and searched for uncle Boris. 

               As we saw him at a corner with his wife, we made our way towards him. We bid them our byes and drove home as mom and dad said they will be staying for some more time.

               As we got home I got into a shower. As I closed my eyes, I could fell his touch on me. "It was soo good." My subconscious said. Though I hate admitting it but it was true. It felt so different and good. I cleared my mind and came out of the shower, walking into my closet for a night dress and wore this👇👇👇

 I cleared my mind and came out of the shower, walking into my closet for a night dress and wore this👇👇👇

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               I got onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. After some time I fell into a deep slumber.

               I jolted awake as I was having a wet dream. This was my first time something like this happened and I saw Massimo in it. "How can a man I don't even know properly affect me this much?" I thought walking into the restroom. After coming out, I checked the time and it read 5:45 am. So I went to dad's gym to clear my mind.
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