Chapter 28. Revenge for a week bitches

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               "Aaaaaaaaa!" I screamed as I pulled my hair. It's been a week since the accident and a week since I put my legs out of the house. Leave about going out of the house. I wasn't even allowed to leave my room.

               Igor placed bodyguards to guard my room. He even hired a special maid for me as he didn't want me even to go down to get myself some water. 

               He said "you are not supposed to be out of your bed. If you need anything tell the maids. They will get it for you. Now go back to your room before I drag you there and lock you inside". What the hell? Who can stay between four walls for soo long. 

              It's enough. I am tired of staying in. Even my leg is healed. It is still bandaged but it doesn't hurt anymore and I am able to walk. That's it, I want to go out and I will. No one can stop me today, not even lucifer himself.

               I took a quick shower and got out of the bathroom thinking where to go. Then an idea popped in my mind. Why not go to the company? I haven't visited it for long. I decided to go visit our company. I walked into the closet and wore this👇👇👇....

               I walked to the door and opened it to see two men already looking at me

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               I walked to the door and opened it to see two men already looking at me. One had dark hair with brown eyes and olive skin while the other had brown hair with blue eyes and olive skin. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. 

               "Miss, do you want something? Just tell us, we will get it." they said. "Yes. I want to go out" I said swinging my small bag over my shoulder. "You can't mam" blue eyed man said. "Are you ordering me" I asked rising an eyebrow". "Sorry mam but Mr. Vladimir will kill us if we let you step out of the house" the brown eyes one said. 

               "Looks like you don't mind me killing you. Be it then. It's been long since I washed my hands with blood." I said with a dangerous smirk playing on my lips while rolling up my sleeves. I saw them gulp as they said "Ok mam. You can go out but we will follow you". 

               A victory smile played on my lips. I walked to the blue eyed man who ordered me before and punched him hard across his face making him fall on the floor. "Never dare to order me again " I said walking down, towards the door. As soon as I got out I took a long deep breath as I muttered "freedom". It was easy to come out as dad and Igor weren't home and mom went on her hunt.

               I walked to the car and got into the driving seat. I saw the two men coming running to the car. "Mam..." I cut the brow eyed man off saying "Get on the car before I decide to leave you behind for my brother to kill you for allowing me to go alone" I said getting the engine to life. They jumped into the car. 

               The brown eyed man took the passenger seat while the blue eyed man sat in the back. I hit the accelerator rising the speed hitting the road. As we were driving I said "isn't it polite to introduce yourself". "Sorry Miss. Vladimir. I am Michail" brown eyed man said. "I am Leonid" the blue eyed man said. I nodded my head focusing on the road. 

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