Chapter 45. RIP to the soul

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               All the sounds disappeared as soon as dad's voice boomed in the room and my eyes shut close as I waited for the impact but felt someone pulling me away. I opened my eyes to see dad checking me out if I was fine.

               "You alright princess?" dad asked cupping my face with concern filling his features. "I am fine dad" I said reassuring him. He heaved out a sigh as he made sure I was fine. My head snapped to my right as I heard both, Igor and Massimo shouting.

               "WHAT THE FUCK AMELIA?" as anger filled their features. "What did I warn you about throwing yourself into danger?" Massimo gritted as his face hardened, reminding me of his warning.

               "And what the fuck did I tell you about keeping yourself safe?" I gritted back looking straight into his blazing eyes with my own fire filled ones. I turned to look at Igor whose face was red with anger.

               "And what the fuck were you thinking getting all bruised up?" I shouted at Igor whose hands had formed into fists. "In the house, now" I gritted, controlling my anger, looking at both of them. My eyes fell on dad who was already walking out of the room as he very well knew that angry Kira, my mom and I are never a good news.

               "Now" I shouted at the top of my lungs seeing Igor and Massimo glaring at each other. They got startled by my sudden outburst and took a step back before walking out of the room as they both knew getting onto my bad side wasn't a great option.

               I calmed myself down before walking out of the training room and into the living hall. As soon as I entered the room I saw dad sitting on the sofa placed in the middle while Massimo and Igor sat opposite to each other on the lateral sofa chairs.

               I was about to open my mouth when I heard mom say "how is it going?" making me turn towards her to see her walking into the room while wiping her hands that were painted red with blood. She lifted her face as she didn't get a reply to make my eyes go wide and dad run towards her.

               She had blood sprinkled all over her face which made her look like the most dangerous devil. 'RIP to the soul' my subconscious said thinking of the person who got tortured my my super dangerous mom. Dad reached her, wiping her face with a cloth as he checked if she was okay. He heaved a sigh as he made sure that the love of his life was perfectly alright.

               It reminded me of Massimo doing the same in his warehouse the other day. The way his eyes bore into me asking if I was fine. 'Snap out of it' my sub conscious snapped. I shook my head to clear my mind and concentrate on the present situation at hand.

               I looked at mom as she said "oh! Amelia. You are finally aw.." she cut herself seeing my angry face. "What is it honey?" she asked looking at me with a frown. I just moved aside without answering her to give her the view of the bruised men sitting in front of her.

               Her eyes went wide as soon as her eyes fell on them. "What the fuck happened here?" she asked disbelievingly. "Not here mom, in the ring" I said as I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms above my chest. "What the fuck? What did I say about behaving?" She asked cursing.

               "And what were you doing when Igor and our son-in-law were fighting?" She asked dad as she turned around to face him. 'Wait, did she just say son-in-law?' I thought blinking my eyes not believing what I just heard. I turned to look at Massimo only to see him smirking at me making me raise my eyebrow.

               "Are you okay son?" mom asked as she walked towards Massimo checking his bruises. Something flickered in Massimo's eyes as he heard mom asking if he was alright with her motherly concern. "I am fine Mrs. Vlademir" Massimo answered straightening himself.

               Mom smiled at him as she said "you can call me mom honey" patting his shoulder. "Mom?" my lips curled up into a smiled as the word rolled out of his mouth which was filled with lot of emotions.

               "Yes" mom said nodding her head while giving him a bright smile while Massimo cleared his throat looking elsewhere in the room while Igor groaned. "Your real son is also bruised woman" Igor said pressing real in his sentence as he saw mom least concerned about him at the moment.

               Mom looked at him sternly making Igor roll his eyes and say "come on mom. I was just testing him" he said defending his actions making me look at him. "Testing for what?" I asked raising an eyebrow at Igor. "Testing if he is fit to be my brother-in-law" he said in a 'duh' tone making me scoff. "and congrats, you passed the test" he said making me roll my eyes.

               "Does that mean even I can test the woman who you want me to accept as my sister-in-law?" I asked as Igor took the water glass in front of him to drink. He just shrugged in response while sipping the water making me smirk.

               I turned on my heals and started walking towards the exit of the room when Igor and Massimo asked "where are you going?" In a sync making me turn. They both frowned and raised an eyebrow as they saw my smirking face.

               "To test Ms. Cirillo" I said making my brother chock hard on water as I turned around and walked out of the room.

Ciao guys!

Angry with me?😢😢😰😰

Sowwyyy... I got caught up with something.
Please forgive me🥺🥺
Actually, I edited the previous chapters.



Hope you liked the chapter.

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