Chapter 24. Stop the bloodbath

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               We were in the car when there was a blast and our car was thrown into the air. As soon as I heard the blast I threw myself onto Amelia, shielding her with my body. It flipped in the air and crashed on the ground upside down. The car windows broke making the glass pieces fly. I felt my back bleeding from the penetrations of the glass pieces. After sometime everything went silent. 

               I couldn't feel Amelia moving. For the first time in my life I was scared. Things like this happened many times in my life but this time it was different. I had someone to protect. I had to protect my love. I know that she isn't like other fragile women but still the situation made my heart beat faster as the fear of loosing her filled my body. 

               I felt her move a little. I slowly lifted myself to see her face to find her already looking at me. I cupped her cheeks and asked "Are you alright?" She just nodded. Her eyes were fixed on my forehead. I could feel the blood dripping from my forehead. 

               I looked around to wrap my mind around the situation. I slightly moved away from Amelia and kicked the door open. I came out of the car pulling her out with me. I saw smoke coming out of the car. Shit! The car is gonna blast. I grabbed her hand pulling her away from the car. 

               I hid her in my chest as the car exploded throwing it's metal pieces in the air. I again felt metal penetrating into my back. I winced as I felt her hand on my back touching my wounds. My eyes went down to Amelia's leg to see that her leg was bleeding. 

               I had lost a lot of blood making my sight blur. I was loosing my strength. We both fell on the floor holding each other. I felt myself going unconscious as Amelia was trying to keep me awake.

               I woke up to the beeping sounds. I opened my eyes and looked around. Many machines were attached to me. I looked at my surroundings recognizing it as a hospital. "Where is Amelia?" I could see red as I couldn't find her near me. I was getting off the bed when my right hand man Dario entered the room. 

               I looked at him and asked "where is Amelia?" coldly. "Ms. Vladimir is in the next room boss" He said. "Get me my shirt" I ordered. I plucking off the IV and other attachments to my body getting off the bed. Blood started flowing out of the hole made by the needle to my vein. I didn't care about it as it wasn't important than my love right now.

               I wore my shirt and walked out of the room. Everyone in the corridor bowed to me as I walked towards Amelia's room. Yes, I own the hospital. It is especially for my men. I walked in to be greeted by the scene that made my blood boil. My love was attached to machines and was supported by an oxygen mask. 

               Alfonso, my doctor and a good friend was checking her heart rate. He walked towards me as he noticed me walking in. "She inhaled lot of bad air during the blast which caused low oxygen levels in her body making her heart rate slow. But now she is fine. We have purified her blood and she is out of danger" I just nodded while my eyes were fixed on her limb body. 

               I walking towards her while controlling my rage. As I walked towards her bed I saw her leg bandaged. I looked at Alfonso for an explanation. "During the blast a metal got struck in her leg which tore her muscles deep. We had to stitch up her wound" He said making me gritted my teeth as my hands balled into fists. "Out" I coldly said taking the chair beside her bed and sitting on it.

               I took her hand into mine and placed a light kiss on it. My heart clenched seeing her connected with tubes. "Whoever did this, it won't be long before they won't be seeing sunlight in their life . I will hunt each one of them down wherever they are. But for that I need you to be safe" I said caressing her hair. 

               "I don't plan on losing you love" I said leaning down to her forehead, kissing it. I gave a feathery kiss near her lips before walking out. "I need her to be safe. Shift her to another hospital and call her family in Russia. Tell them that she got into an accident. Don't let them know what happened as I want to rip their heads on my own" I said to Dario walking towards the exit. 

               I sat in my car that was waiting in front of the hospital waiting for me and drove off. I reached my house when I got a call from Dario. "Boss we have done as you said and Ms. Vladimir's parents will be here any minute now" he said. I cut the call walking towards my room. 

               My anger was growing by every passing second. I went to my room and took of my shirt. I stood under the shower feeling the water burn my back. I closed my eyes as the images of my love lying on the bed lifeless flashed in front of me. That made me loose my mind. 

               I hit my hand on the shower head breaking it. I pushed all the things near me and broke all the glasses. My hands were bleeding till I destroyed the whole bathroom. I looked up to see myself in the mirror. My eyes were blood red from anger and my breaths were heavy. I was seeing red. I was hungry for blood. I could see that bastards blood on my hands. 

               "No one can stop the bloodbath that's gonna take place" I said looking at the mirror. "They are gonna die. Everyone is gonna die. I won't spare anyone who dares harm my love and thinks of out crossing me."

               I walked out of the shower and walked towards my closet.

               I walked out of the shower and walked towards my closet

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               As I was buttoning up my shirt, Dario entered the room. "Boss, Mr. Vladimir took Ms. Vladimir with him. I have placed some of our trusted and capable men to keep mam safe" He said bowing. I nodded. "Get the information" I said rolling up my sleeves. "On it Boss" Dario said leaving the room. 

               I walked out of my room into my office. I stood by the window looking into the sky when Dario entered the room. "We know who is behind all this boss" He said. I turned around with the most dangerous evil smirk playing on my lips and said "TIME FOR THE HUNT."
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