Chapter 14. Decorate him with them

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               I got off the plane as we landed in Spain. I walked to the car that was waiting at the airport. The driver started driving as soon as I got in. "Mr. Vladimir is already dealing with some of the men we had caught. They are in our secret location. We will be driving there." Vasili who was sitting in the passenger seat informed me. I just nodded my head in response. 

               Not long after we got to the place where the bastards were held captive. It was in middle of nowhere. I walked in to hear the pleading for mercy.

               I walked further to see my brother sitting in the corner of the room in all his power, looking dead serious. It looked as if he was gonna rip each of their heads with his bear hands.

               I walked to him and stood infront of him. He raised his head to yell but as soon as he saw me he got off his seat and looked at me with a confused expression that changed to anger. He walked towards me shouting "what the fuck are you doing here Amelia?" 

               Ok, he is really angry cause he takes my full name only when his volcano erupts. "I can't just sit there knowing that someone attacked on you." I shouted back with equal fury. How dare he think of hiding it from me.

               "You weren't supposed to be here 'Em' " he said. His voice softening. I looked at him and my eyes traveled to his hands and abdomen. His white shit was now red. Did he get hurt?

               "How did you get hurt? They said that you weren't near the basement when the blast took place." I said touching his arm. He didn't answer. He was looking straight into my eyes, silently warning me to go out of there. I looked at him with same intensity daring him to send me back. We had a little staring competition before he gave up. A smirk formed on my lips at my little victory. 

               "You go and get bandaged. I will deal with this." I said turning around looking at the two men that were left as Igor had killed the rest of them. I could see no man with all his parts in their place. Any sane mind would have gone into a brainshock looking at the scene. 

               Igor was about to tell something when I said " go and do what I say before I kick your ass, transporting you to Antarctica, making you dance with the penguins there." I said in a dead serious voice to which he gave up and walked out.

               As soon as Igor left the scene, I fixed my eyes on the men infront of me. They were placed at two different corners of the room. I walked to one of them taking a knife with me. I sat infront of him, dragging my knife on his hand, slightly cutting the flesh. 

               "Are you gonna tell me who he is and where he will be before I dirty my hands with your blood?" I asked looking at him. "I am not scared by a woman like you, who can only give a few cuts." He said as a matter of fact. I just smirked at his sentence and sliced more of his skin open making him yelp as the blood oozed out of the cut.

               "I am not one of those people who complete their games fast. I am one of those people who play till they are satisfied and then end the game." I said getting up from the chair and walking back towards the table. I took a hand full of salt and walked back towards him. I slowly rubbed the salt on his cuts making him scream. 

               "Sshhh... too noisy" I said placing a finger on my lips. "This is just the beginning." I said getting away from him. "Get them." I said with a smirk, playing with the knife. As soon as I said that, my men got a glass box that was covered with a red cloth. The man looked at it confused. 

               "What are you waiting for boys? Decorate him with them." I said. My men lifted the cloth revealing one of the most deadliest things ever. The man's face went pale looking at them.

               My men slowly and carefully opened the box, letting the leaches crawl all over him. The room got filled with his screams as the little ones started feeding on his blood. I turned towards other man in the corner to see that he was already sweating badly. Soo bad that he might get dehydrated. 

               "Boys see, one of our prisoners is getting dehydrated. Please give him some water." I told in a calm and innocent way. My men got a bottle of water and as he took a few drops from the bottle I said "but what if he dies due to the poison in it? How will we get the information of what we want?" I said placing a finger on my chin thinking. The person started coughing out the water. 

               I walked towards him taking the bottle in my hand "oh sorry. This isn't the bottle with poison" I said checking the bottle. I placed the bottle aside and sat infront of him, seeing him take deep breaths to calm himself down.

               "So are you gonna tell or are my other pets gonna have a feast too?" I asked. "I will tell." He said shaking with fear. His eyes were still fixed on the man behind me who was being enjoyed by my little, cute pets. 

               "It is Osvaldo Carlos Pèrez. He is the one behind all this. He wants to rule Russia by overthrowing your father and other mafia men by killing them along with their families." He said. "Thanks for the information." I said getting up of the chair, walking towards the exit. 

               "Hey wait. Aren't you gonna let me go? I told you everything." He shouted. "Oh! Sure I am gonna let you go but" I said turning to face him "permanently" I completed the sentence. "What?" He asked confused. 

               "The water you drank" I said pointing to the bottle beside his chair "isn't water but poison that is freshly extracted from a deadly snake which will show its effect after sometime of taking it. But when it comes to effect..." I said turning my gaze to him to see him going pale. "Well you will get to know in few minutes" I said walking out of the room.

               Vasili came out with me. "I want all, the information about him. Everything including his basic things." I said dismissing him walking out of the house towards the car and driving to one of our hotels which was in Spain. 

              I got there in no time and walked towards the room where Igor was. I entered the room to see the doctor and the nurse shaking in fear at the corner while my brother sat there on the chair oozing off his power. He still hadn't bandaged his wounds. 

               "Out" I said walking towards Igor taking the first aid box with me. They left the room leaving us alone. I slowly too off his shirt not hurting his wounds. "Care to explain how the fuck you got hurt?" I asked examining his wounds. 

               There was a big cut in his arm which looked like something had pierced deep into his flesh. I took needle, needle forceps and skin staples. I looked up from his wound as I didn't get any sound. He gave a sigh and said "there was another blast near the place where the meeting was held." I nodded piercing the needle into his skin. 

               "ANESTHESIA.." he screamed making me look up at him. "Oops! Sorry I forgot" I said scratching my neck, giving him a sly smile. After injecting him with anesthesia I started stitching his would. After I completed cleaning his wounds I ordered him to take rest. As I was arranging everything there was a knock on the door.

               Vasili walked in saying  "the information you asked for" showing me the file. I looked at Igor's sleeping face and turned around walking out saying "let's discuss in the office."
Hola guys!

I would like to thank theablack03 for giving me the idea of penguins.

How was the chapter or should I ask how was the torture?

Please do comment 😊😊😊....

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