Chapter 44. Cutting dicks and feeding them to dogs

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               I groaned as I stirred around in my sleep. I moved my hand to my left to feel soft and smooth. I slightly opened my eyes to find pillows beside me while I expected to see Massimo. "Where the hell is he?" I mumbled as I sat up on the bed rubbing my sleepy eyes. I looked around to see that it wasn't Massimo's room and even my room. 

               A frown made it's way to my forehead as the room still looked familiar. I scratched my head a I looked around once again with my still sleepy eyes. I eyes went wide and my breath stopped when the realization of where I was struck me hard. "Wait, this is my room. My fucking room but.. but... in... how the fuck am I in Russia?" I screamed in my mind as I took my surroundings in.

               "Where the fuck is Massimo? I remember him carrying me here and tugging me in" I thought as I got off the bed

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               "Where the fuck is Massimo? I remember him carrying me here and tugging me in" I thought as I got off the bed. "Wait, if Massimo was here that means dad and Igor saw him. And him coming to my room too. Oh God!" I held my head as I looked around disbelievingly. 

               'What the hell was he thinking while pulling this stupid stunt? Igor is not gonna let this go. Hope they didn't kill each other' I thought as I ran out of the my room to come across pin drop silence. I walked down to the living room to find some of the maids cleaning and men guarding the house

               "Miss. Vladimir" one of the men bowed as he saw me coming. "Where is everyone?" I asked as I looked around. "Mrs. Vladimir has gone out to deal with something while Mr. Vladimir, sir Igor and Mr. Romano are in the training room mam" he said making my eyes go wide. 

               Okay this is no good as the training room is where all the men practice and get trained to fight better and my brother loves boxing. 'Well, Massimo is no less' my subconscious said as I ran towards the back of the house towards the training grounds.

               'I just hope they don't break their faces' I thought as I entered the code into the security system and ran in towards the ring. As soon as I entered the room my eyes fell on the two men in their boxing costumes standing in the ring in their positions to punch each other. 

               I narrowed my eyes as they fell on the blue green bruises on both of their bodies. I looked around the room to see dad seated at the corner of the room looking at the fight as if watching a drama. Only thing that was missing was popcorn in his hands.

               I turned my head towards my left as I heard "punch him boss. Do it" being screamed by Vasili, encouraging Igor while Dario encouraged Massimo. 'What the fuck?' I cursed as I looked at them having a staring competition. 

               I turned my gaze back towards the ring as I heard Igor say "I am not giving my baby sister to you" as his eyes held anger. I turned my gaze to Massimo who was fuming with anger as he said "no one can keep my love away from me" as his eyes held fire. 

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