Chapter 13. Volcano would erupt anytime

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               "Wake up bitch." Gen's scream made me cover my ears with my pillow. I felt my quilt flying off me and after few seconds I felt sharp pain in my butt. "You bitch! Can't you wake me up like a normal human." I shouted getting off the floor, rubbing my butt. I glared at her to see that she was already red with anger. That made me shut my mouth. 

               Believe me angry Genviève is never a good news. "I have been trying to wake you up from 20 minutes and you were sleeping like a bear hibernating." She shouted. I gave her a sly smile and ran into the bathroom to get myself cleaned as she took the lamp beside her to break my head. After 20 minutes came out wearing this👇👇👇....

               I walked to the dining room to see Gen having her breakfast while scrolling through her phone

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               I walked to the dining room to see Gen having her breakfast while scrolling through her phone. I sat next to her sipping my orange juice. "What doing?" I asked. "Oh you are here. Let's go we are already late". She said getting up from her chair. "But my breakfast?" I asked pouting. "If you wanted to have breakfast you should have woken up early." She said walking out of the house. 

               I swear if she wasn't my friend, she would have been six feet under long ago. I walked to the car, getting in while scrolling through my phone. As soon as I opened my phone, there were series of messages in our college group chat. The main message was posted by our principal that "everyone should attend the college as there is gonna be an interaction with a businessman or woman" and we don't have any idea who it is gonna be. All the next messages were of students asking principle who the person is. 

               "Hey Gen!" I called still scrolling down my phone. "Mmm?" she replied asking me to continue. "Someone's gonna come to college today." I said. "Oh! That means we can sleep for another 2 hours or more in college" She said. "Yep" I replied popping out 'p'.

               After a few minutes of drive we reached our destination. As we parked our car and entered the campus, we could find everyone murmering and biting off each other's ears. 'Probably about the interaction class'  I thought. As we walked to our lockers I looked at Gen to ask her about something but found her giving confused and disgusted looks at someone across the corridor.

               As I looked in the direction of her sight, I found our college's queen bee, the one and only Lucia Concetta Russo. Her name means light and pure but she is anything but that. If you want to get angry, you can see her face anytime. She will not give you a reason not to be angry.

               She had golden blonde hair with light blue eyes. She was wearing a flirtatious dress with probably 4 inch high stiletto, pushing her hips up. Her dress was too tight, that it seemed like it would rip off anytime. It exposed her skin more and hid less. She is showing more than ever today. So it's conform. 

               "It's a businessman coming today" I confirmed Genviève and myself still looking at her. Gen rolled her eyes at her as she didn't like her even a bit. If Gen wasn't supposed to keep a low profile, she would have probably used all her torture ways on her till now. I am not even complaining, cause even I want to do the same. 

               She walked into the class and "we have the same class as hers?" Gen and I said in a sink looking at each other as we had to bear with her for a whole one hour. 'God please give me patience and strength to control myself from going to her and ripping off her head' I prayed walking towards the class.

               As we entered the class, we could see boys drooling while looking at the 'make up cake'. We walked to our seats and were discussing something when our principal came in. What is he doing here? "Good morning students. As you all know that we are going to have a guest, I want all of you to be in your best behaviors. I don't want any disrespect from you guys." He said looking damn serious.

               I swear this old man is gonna have BP problems if he doesn't stop being so angry all the time. After that he went out of the class asking us to gather in the student meeting room.

               We made our way to the room. Gen and I took one of the last seats as we already knew that we were gonna sleep. We were still waiting for our guest when my phone started to vibrate in my pocket.

               I looked at the caller for a moment as he never calls me unless it's something important. A frown etched my forehead as I connected it to my bluetooth. It was 'Vasili' one of my most trusted men. 

               I placed him in Russia around dad and brother so that I can get the information of what's going on there. What? Why can't I place my men around dad while he can, after all I am his daughter. The only difference is that, I know about men around me while dad doesn't. Though dad has his men around me, he gets the information only which I want him to know.

               As I lift the call, my blood boiled as soon as the words left his mouth. I stood up without giving a shit about the place I am in. As Gen was about to get up too, I looked at her, fixing her in her place. She didn't open her mouth as anger was evident on my face as she knew better not to go against me especially when my volcano would erupt anytime. 

               I walked to the door to be stopped by our principal. One glare from me made him move out of my way. He knew our true identity as he once accidentally saw us killing 'Gael' one of the mafia men who angered us. On my way I called one of my men ordering "Get the plane ready we are going to Spain." I got home in no time and changed my clothes into this👇👇👇

" I got home in no time and changed my clothes into this👇👇👇

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               I reached my plane in half an hour. I took my seat beside the window as the pilot announced our take-off. All the way different ways of tortures were running in my mind. He dared to mess with my family. He dared to put my brother's life in danger. He dared to bomb one of our basements. 'Today is gonna be a blood bath' I said to myself asking my men for more information.
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