Chapter 35. 33 bones to break

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               "Call the doctor" He shouted taking furious steps towards me. 'Why a doctor? Is he hurt somewhere?' I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt his warm hand on my left cheek, rubbing away the blood that was splashed on it. "Where are you hurt? Who dared to touch you?" He asked. 

               I could see his fear and concern for me other than the anger for the people who he thinks hurt me. I saw his men coming into the room hearing him shout. He turned towards them and once again shouted "are you all tired of living? I clearly ordered you I don't want a scratch on my woman". For some reason his words send a feeling of warmth through my body. 

               I felt a different emotion when he the words 'my woman' came out of his mouth. 'So they were his men' I thought remembering the men I saw back at the mansion. My head snapped to the front as I heard a gun shot.

               I looked ahead to see a man ducking, saving himself from the bullet that was fired by the furious monster standing in front of me. 

               "How dare you not follow my orders?" He said while gritting his teeth. I rolled my eyes looking at him being too overprotective though I was feeling happy about it. I held his hand that had formed fits making his gaze fall on me.

               "I am not hurt. It isn't my blood" I said looking into his dark forest green eyes. In a blink I was lifted off the floor making my eyes go wide.

               "What the hell do you think you are doing? Let me down. I can walk." I shouted looking at him while thrashing in his arms. "Stop moving if you don't want your 33 bones to break" He said making me confused. 

               I blinked once, twice to understand what he meant by 33 bones. I was about to open my mouth again but shut it tight as my eyes fell on the steps. I didn't even notice that we were on top of the steps and if he throws me from here not only my 33 vertebra but many other bones will break too. 

               I looked at him horrified and clutched onto his shoulders as I seriously wasn't planning on laying on the bed for my whole life. I looked at his face to see a smirk forming on his lips making me grit my teeth and ball my fists. 'What the hell does he think of himself? So far he is the only one who dared to order me around' I thought looking at him as he kicked the door to his room open. 

               He walked straight into the bathroom making me frown. He made me stand and took a step back. "If you want me yo take a bath then get out of the room" I said folding my hands above my chest. But my eyes went wide and my mind went blank listening to the next words that flew out of his mouth. "Strip" he said making me look at him dumbfounded.

               "If you seriously think that I am gonna follow that order of yours then dream on" I said giving him a snort while turning my head to the left. Not hearing his voice I turned around to see him stripping his clothes. If my eyes were wide before then now they were out of their sockets. 

               "What the hell are you doing?" I shouted making him look at me. "Are you stripping yourself or do you want me to do that for you?" He asked not bothering to answer my question. "Pervert. Get out of the room before I cut you into pieces" I shouted as he was seriously getting onto my nerves. 

               No man has ever dared to even look straight into my eyes and this putana wants me to strip? No way in hell. "So you are not gonna do it huh?" He asked taking a step towards me. "I am not stripping and I am not even letting you do it either you bastard" I shouted. 

               He held my wrist and dragged me under the shower head. "What the fuck? Let go of me" I shouted hitting his hand. I tried hard to free my hand but his grip was too strong. I was about to kick him but the water fell on me, making me hold onto my breath as the water was too cold. 

               "Stronza! The water is cold" I shouted gritting my teeth. I heard him chuckle before turning the water warm. I relaxed as the hot water flowed on my body, relaxing my muscles. I opened my eyes to see the tiles under me red from the blood that was being washed out from my body.

               I slowly lifted my gaze and stopped when his toned abs came into the view. His pant hung low showing off his perfect v-line. I involuntarily licked my lips and heard him take in a sharp breath. I lifted my head to see his eyes even more darker than before as they were clouded with desire.

               I felt my shirt stick onto my body as a second skin, showing off my curves. I shivered when I felt his hands move to my first button, undoing it. I was unable to move even an inch as his dark eyes bore into my soul. He slowly took off my shirt making my hands fly to my front as I suddenly felt self-conscious. 

               I saw him licking his lips as his eyes fell on my cleavage. He held my waist and pulled me to him, making me collide with his hard chest. He pushed the hair on my face to the back of my ear while leaning closer. He's slowly dragged his hand down the side of my face and then my neck making the hair on the back of my neck stand. 

               "You are sexy" He whispered as he licked my ear lobe, making me close my eyes and grip onto his shoulders. I felt hot and the warm water that was running on our bodies sending tingles and it wasn't helping at all. 

               His hot breath fanned the skin on my neck as his teeth grazed my sweet spot making me bite my lips. He kissed my sweet spot and started sucking and licking there making me tilt my head. He presses my back to the glass behind me as he slowly started moving towards my cleavage. 

               The room became too hot. I felt wet between my legs as he rubbed his lower body against me. He grabbed my hands and was about to pin them above my head but stopped as a whimper left my mouth. I felt sharp pain shoot through my left shoulder. He let go of my hands and grabbed my face gently checking for signs of pain.

               "Where does it hurt?" He asked as concern filled his features. I bit my lip and closed my eyes tight as I said "my shoulder hurts". I felt him move back a little. I opened my eyes to see him checking my shoulder. He gritted his teeth as he examined my shoulder. 

               "Take a bath and come out" He said before walking out. 'What's wrong with this man? Is he bipolar?' I thought as I stripped naked standing under the shower and closed my eyes to feel his hands all over my body.
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By the way, STRONZA means BITCH.

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