Chapter 46. Got played

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               I was about to step out of the house but stopped as some one pulled me by my wrist making me collide with their hard, toned chest making me shut my eyes. And I very well knew who can it be. I opened my eyes to see his toned chest in my view. 

               My eyes fell on a particular bruise in the left side of his abs. I got my free hand up and pocked the bruise to hear him groan. He caught my hand preventing me from poking his bruise again. My eyes fell on his tasty, lickable abs wanting me to taste them.

               I snapped out of my thoughts as he said "You aren't going anywhere alone" making me look at him. "And why can't I?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow at him. "Cause I said so" came his answer casually making me roll my eyes.

               I was about to argue but stopped as I thought 'Arguing with him is vain. He will get what he wants in the end in his own way. But that doesn't mean I will let him stop me from going out'.

               "Play smart Amelia" my sub conscious said making me smirk as the bulb in my brain lighted up.

               I looked at Massimo to see him still glaring at me. I tiptoed to reach his ear and whispered "wait here for me love. I don't want women drooling on what's mine" fanning his ear with my hot breath as I bit on his ear lobe making him suck in a breath. 

               I moved towards his lips and gave a light peck at the corner of his lips as I pressed my body against him making him close his eyes.

               I smirked knowing the effect I had on him. I moved back to his ear as I whispered "bye love" making him snap out of his trace. And before he had a chance to react I ran out of the house towards my car to hear him scream "AMELIA" as he realized he got played by me making my smirk grow wide.

               I got into my car and dialed a number as I got the engine to life. "Yes boss" came Nicolai's voice as he picked the call on the first ring. "Send me the whereabouts of Ms. Cirillo" I said hitting the gas pedal. "In a minute boss" he said as I cut the call.

               My phone bussed with an incoming text as I hit the road. I swiped the screen left to read the message that gave me the location of the person I have been waiting to meet for long now. I smirked as the location indicated one of the warehouses of one of the most powerful mafias, reminding me of who she truly is.

               I turned the steering to the right making the car run into an alley on the right accelerating it. It didn't take me long to reach the location. I stopped the car in front of a warehouse in an abandoned place as I got off. 

               I made my way towards the the entrance of the warehouse to hear painful screams resonating in the area. I walked in to see the sole heir of the most powerful mafia family in Brazil and most importantly with whom my brother once again fell in love with, brutally torturing her prey. 

               'We are gonna get along well' my sub conscious said to which I agreed as I saw her running her knife deep into the arms of the man in front of her, cutting off his veins and then stabbed him in his thigh making him scream at the top of his lungs..

               I smirked as I took out my gun and fired it into the leg of one of the men standing in the room making him fall on the floor, screaming while clutching onto his bleeding leg. 

               I saw the woman snapping her head towards me as she took out her own gun and fired at me making me duck. I saw her men walking towards me with their guns pointed at me, ready to put a bullet in me.

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