Chapter 47. Are you into BDSM?

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               Poor steering, Massimo had a death grip on it. The ride was too silent and it was fucking uncomfortable making me want to break it and that's what I did. "Where are we going. This is not the route to house" I said looking around before turning back to Massimo only to see him clenching his jaw making me more than confused.

               I huffed and turned towards the window as he didn't care answering my question. 'Why is he suddenly soo angry?' I thought as I looked out. I was pulled out of my thoughts by the car coming to a halt in front of a beautiful house.

               I didn't notice Massimo getting out of the car as I was busy looking at the beautiful house standing in all it's height

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               I didn't notice Massimo getting out of the car as I was busy looking at the beautiful house standing in all it's height. Massimo pulled my door open and before I stepped out of the car, he threw me on his shoulder effortlessly making me yelp.

               "Massimo what the fuck?" I shouted as he just started walking in with one oh his hands holding me in place on his shoulder while his other hand was deep in his pockets.

               I was about to shout more but stopped as I heard "finally" with a sigh from my left making me snap my head to look and Dario and other man who had his hand on his chest with his eyes bulged out whom I recognized as Ciro, the one who takes care of Massimo's business and the one whose jaw I had broken in Germany for stopping me from going out.

               I flinched a little when I heard Massimo suddenly shout "I WANT NO ONE IN THE HOUSE. OUT" as he started climbing up the stairs. I saw both the men walking out, well more like Dario dragging Ciro out who had a wide grin on his face making me roll my eyes.

               Massimo kicked the door open as he carried me in and threw me on the bed making me shut my eyes as I bounced a little. "What the..." I cut myself off as I saw him unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his toned chest while his dark orbs bore into me as he took slow steps towards me.

               "Reconsidering are we?" he said as he took of his shirt and hovered over me making me gulp. "Massimo that.." I got cut off as he smashed his lips onto mine, kissing me hungrily. He bit on my lip hard making me yelp and try to push him away.

               He caught hold of my wrists and pinned them above my head as he breathed near my ear making a shiver run down my spine.

               "You need to be punished for thinking of 'reconsidering' about loving me babydoll" he said pressing the world 'reconsidering' in his sentence as he bit my earlobe making me bite my lip.

               He slowly moved down to my neck and bit hard on my sweet spot making me throw my head back and give out a moan. I could feel him smirking as he moved down to my breasts, ripping my shirt, making my breath hitch.

TOO GOOD TO BE YOURS (YOURS SERIES BOOK#1)✔Where stories live. Discover now